You absolutely can do that, send me a screenshot of your Alexa routine. I’ll see what your doing wrong. Just PM it to me.
I will take u up on your offer. The sensor is at my vacation house and i deleted. I will reactivate when i go back in a month and send you a screen shot. The upshot, no matter what i do in alexa routine, the wait command always winds up at the end of the routine. Appreciate the help.
If I use the Smart Life app, IFTTT, and this NEO Wireless Wifi Siren Alarm (, will I be able to control the siren alarm (turn it on and off, trigger it) using IFTTT and Wyze sensors or Alexa and Google Home?
Newbie here…how does one vote for this? Would love for my echo dot to control the camera/sensors so that leaving/coming home is voice activated rather than going into the app. I should add that I have no idea what IFTTT is and how to set it up…not that advance
A post was merged into an existing topic: Temperature / humidity chip in Sense sensors
I am using IFTTT and Life360 and it works great for turning the cameras on but not all the time for turning the cameras off. I wanted to make sure that the cameras would turn ON when the apartment was empty and turn OFF when the first person arrived home.
The turning ON part works fine but I’ve noticed that when I come home the cameras are still on so not sure if the issue is with IFFT or Life360.
Just hoping that Wyze will eventually have this feature where it just integrates with Alexa and a routine can be created.
With IFTTT restricting the number of applets users can create, full Alexa support is absolutely needed. We need to be able to turn ON or OFF cameras using routines in Alexa.
Yes please to Alexa controlling Wyze shortcuts request!!!
I voted! Alexa need to be able to turn on and off all of my Wyze security cams! A high need for me. But here’s a question, if my Alexa can turn off and on my Wyze light bulbs, shouldn’t it be able to do that same thing with the security cams? Your thoughts please.
I have both Google And Alexa in the house so both or either would be great for me is these features would be possible.
I have routines for both Alexa and Google that do the same thing, it just depends on who I choose to talk to. What they cannot do, is change the status of my cameras. I would like a way to activate a Wyze camera rule from one of these assistance. Be it turning off motion detection or turning the camera off all together, having these options would be very helpful.
For instance, I would say good night to one of my assistance and they would turn off all the lights and tvs, ensure the doors are locked, set my thermostat. set the volumes on all the assistance, set my alarm for a specified time with specified music and it would also be nice to set camera and motion detection to on. As a work around, I have it set to be on and motion detecting at a certain hour but I would rather be able to control it from my assistant. Like when I leave and I say good-bye to my assistant, it should turn on the cameras and turn on motion detection since I manually turn off motion detection during the day when I’m home but I may forget when I run out the house to turn it back on.
OH MY GOD… since 2018, guess what, not going to happen
I also brought cam plus, how do I get a refund on that as well?
Programmed all my Wyze cams to arm and disarm via Alexa and IFTTT - thank you Community. What is missing is the ability to turn on and off the sirens with Alexa. If it is late at night, and I see someone in my courtyard, it would be nice to say Alexa Trigger Sirens On. Rather than searching for my phone.
Assuming Wyze is monitoring this and eventually includes the ability to turn on and off cameras via Alexa. Another feature to add would be an arming delay. In other words, when I tell Alexa to arm (turn on cameras, motion and detection) to do it in a delayed manner. Allow me 3 minutes to leave the house and to get into my car. This is a standard feature offered by ADT and other security manufacturers.
Great idea and an offshoot feature could be. I currently use amazon smart plugs right now and they take a while to turn the camera on since it is like a restart to the camera. SO it would be great to be at home and have wyze cameras plugged in but perhaps turned off in the house. But lets say something were to happen, someone breaks in, you have a violent child, adult with challenges, an abusive spouse…Perhaps a way to have Alexa set the Wyze state to on for whatever camera you want. A routine perhaps that can integrate with Wyze so that perhaps you have a secret phrase or word with Alexa you set up a routine for. And when said Alexa toggles the Wyze camera (mentioned in the routine) to on, off.
I support your request and agree it seemed odd the Alexa integration doesn’t include this. Meanwhile, I worked around it by plugging the cams into a Wyze plug and having the Alexa “I’m Leaving” “I’m home” routines turn the plugs (and thus the cam) on/off. A little clunky but it works.
You would think that after all this time Wyze would have done this. FIVE YEARS!!! What is the point of this “Wish List” thing if they do not actually do the things we need.
I do the same but I’m not buying a Wyze plug for something the camera should be able to do. Even if the issue is that if you turn it “off” it’s not on to receive the signal to turn back on, how about allow us to turn on privacy mode with a “code”. I can arm and disarm my alarm system by providing a voice code, it would be nice to be able to do the same.
You are mistaken. Although the plug has turned off the power to the camera… the plug is still getting power and talking on the wireless network. When you issue the command to turn it back on the plug will flip the power back on causing the camera to turn on. I do this with my Zigbee plugs and Hubitat to turn my bedroom camera on and off through my Alexa.
If you have a Wyze Plug, you don’t even need to plug the cam into the plug to accomplish this.
The Alexa Routine will turn the Wyze Plug On or Off, a Wyze Rule using the plug as a trigger will then turn the Cam On or Off. This leaves the cam fully powered and able to be manipulated in the app if necessary.
I have a Wyze Plug I use this way. I tell Alexa to turn it off, and then a Wyze Rule disables Push Notifications on a select group of cams. When the plug comes back on, another Rule toggles the push notifications back on.
I have the Wyze HMS which is inaccessible by Alexa. I am able to use Alexa Voice Commands to both Arm and Disarm my HMS to any mode. Again, I do this with the assistance of a Wyze Plug for each Mode, my Wyze Cams on Cam Plus for Smart Alert Automation Event Push Notifications, and MacroDroid for executing the Arming\Disarming sequence in the app. I never have to touch my phone or the Keypad to Arm or Disarm the HMS.