Wyze Cam Pan V1 Security Compromise Concerns

As of last night it appears that my Wyze Cam Pan V1 may have been compromised by bad actors/malware, as it is now reaching out to 3 unknown IP’s every few minutes over Port 10001 (Scp-Config), which my firewall is flagging as malicious. I’ve already opened a ticket for this, but wanted to post here in case this is a larger issue and to see what can be done to remediate the problem.

IP’s being hit over Port 10001 are, and Would appreciate it if someone can check into this and reply back ASAP as to whether this is a legitimate issue and what is being done to resolve it if so.

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This forum is primarily a user-to-user community and not a substitute for Wyze Customer Support. Wyze employees do not actively monitor this forum. If you have security concerns related to your Wyze account or devices, please immediately contact the Wyze Security Team by sending an email to: security@wyze.com


I emailed Wyze Security and I heard back fairly promptly stating that these IP’s were related to Wyze services. So false alarm.

Good to know the correct address to reach out for Wyze Security in any case.


That’s great to hear! :smiley: Thank you very much for chiming in with a status update. :+1: