Wyze cam OG suddenly not recognizing SD card?

NO white sticker on them NO barcode , Said sold by Amazon.
Here is a pic of what I get when I look to see the SD card

Very strange. It is doing that on multiple cams?

I’d give one a format in a PC (you can use the quick format in the sdcard.org utility since it sounds like they’re legit cards) just to see. Sometimes they come with a strange format on them or some files on them that may confuse the cam. Worth a try anyway. Other than that, my only guess would be a power surge fried them all, not many other explanations for a bunch of cams all losing the SD card slot at the same time. I know it has been suggested that a firmware update or app update caused it but I have a bunch of OGs and they’ve had every firmware and app version without issue.

Only other thing I can think is maybe it is some sort of glitch with the app, you could try a reinstall of the app just to see.
In the app settings under account, do clear cache
Log out of your account in the app
In your OS do a force stop and clear cache
Uninstall the app
Reinstall the app
Log in and see if anything has changed.

If not, maybe try deleting a cam from the app, factory resetting it, and setting it up again.

If none of that works, not much other explanation than hardware failure. If they’re within a year, you can get warranty replacements.

I never said its doing it on Mulitple cams just one but any card I use has the problem…Did all that stuff you mentioned, didnt do factory reset yet…

How do I do a factory rest to the camera? its a Wyze Cam Pan V3 ?

OK you said you bought several cards and were going to toss all the cameras, so that’s what it sounded like.

Factory reset on the Pan v3 is holding down the setup button for like 20-30 seconds until it resets.

Was your pan v3 mounted with the camera on the bottom (upside down) outside? If so it is possible some water got into the SD card slot and corroded it. Should be covered by warranty if it is within that timeframe. If not you could try getting some contact cleaner down in there and use one of the old SD cards to insert and remove it several times to try and clean the contacts. Then a quick spray of contact cleaner again to rinse them off and let it dry out. But if it is under warranty I’d go that route.

Also make sure you’re using the correct power adapter (2000MA) or maybe even try a different one that is rated at least 2000MA/2.4A to rule that out.

Ok Here is what I did to get it to work. No matter what I did resetting unplugging reconfiguring , it would not work with the New 128 mg High Endurance card. But it DID work with the 32mg standard card after reconfiguring it I learned you must Under the Device Notifications you must have some Items check marked Under both RECORD and Notify, not sure why but after I did that it started working. Hope this helps others…

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If you have it set to continuous recording, then you don’t need to do anything in events/customization, it will record. If you want events to tag a spot on the timeline, notify you, and list the event in the events list, then those other settings come into play.

So to clarify was it recording (you can go into the SD card and watch playback) and just not tagging stuff?

Obviously if you have it set to “events only” then it won’t record anything if you don’t have any events selected. However pretty sure if you have events toggled on, then it is impossible to de-select “other motion”.

It stopped working few hours later…Im done with then going start buying another brand cameras with less problems… thanks