Wyze app 3.0 RC - 7/16/24

My floodlight pro shows the SD card, but little different v3 app.

My app is 3.0.0 (b489).
I have the option to update, but it is only offering me 2.50.9 (512)

Just checking, but have you tried to scroll the take photo, record, etc. line left or right?
Is it maybe hiding just to the left of take photo?

My screen shows more icons…
I see you also don’t have Siren…

This ver is on Android.

There are no additional menu items as the ribbon does not scroll.
So SD Card viewing and siren activation menu items are both missing for me on IOS.

@Chandan.Dutta , could you please go to the live stream page and check again? Then, submit a log and let me know the log ID if those buttons are still not there.

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@Earl.Automation Are you still having this issue? I think you are using an Android phone, right? I tried on my Android phone but didn’t repro. If it is still happening, can you send a log and let us know the log ID? Thanks!

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hello, the issue is resolved live streaming is up and running perfect

It also looks like you are missing the Siren option. I have 6 options on my list in this order:

  • SD Card
  • Take Photo
  • Record
  • Siren
  • Album
  • Turn Off

What Firmware and Plugin version are you running? I have the following:

  • Firmware Version =
  • Plugin Version = 3.0.1 on iOS and on Android

I am missing the siren and the SD Card items in the menu since IOS beta App 3.0.0(7).
Plugin 3.0.1
I only have IOS. All 3 cam flood light pro are showing like this.

My app version is 3.0.0 (9). You my want to use Test flight and do the update to see if it fixes the issue.

Hi @Chandan.Dutta could you please try this beta app version? If the issue persists, submit a log and let me know the log ID. Thank you!

  • Download Url: Wyze Verify
  • Download Verify Code: wyze1024
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This issue was present in IOS Beta App 3.0.0(9). Testflight auto updated me to 3.0.0(11) RC on Jan 16, and I am now seeing the same issue.

I will update the App and let you know. Do I need to delete IOS Beta App 3.0.0(11) RC before installing this?

I downloaded the Wyzebeta App. It is showing version 4.0.0(b5).
The cam floodlight pro menus now show SD Card and siren.

This version is not supporting the sprinkler device.

I am not having the issue on ver 2.50.9(512). I had it on both Betas of 3.0 but when the RC app release came, I was downgraded to 2.5 so I can’t test it on 3.0 RC. Looking forward to the final 3.0 release!

I’m using Pixel 8a - Android 15 Beta

But I did submit a log on 3.0 beta 2 build here:

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@Earl.Automation Got it and thank you for the log. We will check it and try local repro. Glad to know you use the feature frequently :slight_smile: Sorry for breaking it. We will fix it.


@WyzeTao - No apology necessary. Thank you for addressing it! I appreciate your efforts.


I don’t get why these technology guys get so much respect. Can he hop, can he croak, can he snap flies from the air unconsciously like Tony Blinkin’?


He writes little squiggles in sequence so poorly he has to go back and correct 'em. Where’s the trick in that? :person_shrugging:

I’m with you! Anyone can go to ChatGPT and type:

“Write me an app for smart home cameras. Include notifications, and list everything alphabetically.”

Boom… I’m a developer! How hard can it be?

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Only if you can now deploy it on your cameras and you’ll be set for life :wink:

as someone who has seen the devs in action in action at HQ and even during a celebratory dinner where they hit the comps and starting working on an unexpiated outage,

I can say I fully understand where you’re coming from but at the same time with the way the Internet works these days there are way way way too many variables such as the wonderfully intricate and inexcusably inefficient Amazon Web services that cause problems. ( we all know how that gatekeeper goes there days)

Just today on the 19th, look at the wonderful cloudstrike and all the mayhem that that caused LOL And I can honestly complain about that because Microsoft teams and Outlook worked perfectly during all this chaos and I actually had to do some work :wink:

all for a little update push.


I was joking of course. :grinning:

It’s really hard to do app dev and hardware development. I have worked in integration for years. I was an MCSE on NT 4.0. Last MCSE I bothered to take was around 2012?

Technology is a devil and a friend.