WiFi Update in App Should be Easier

Welcome to the Wyze User Community Forum @yoigotquestions! :raising_hand_man:

Yes. It should be easier.

But, Customer Support didn’t suggest the easy solution.

  • Rename the WiFi Network exactly the same SSID and Password as the old router and every device will log into the new router without ever knowing the mothership was upgraded.

Also, there is absolutely no reason to delete any device from the app. If you can’t change the SSID and PW or don’t want to:

  • Run a new install\setup on every device without deleting them from the app. The settings for each device saved on the server will remain and the network credentials will be updated to the device.

The request to make the process easier has been requested and is located within the Wishlist category. Follow the link, vote at the top, like :heart: some posts, and add your reply post to support the request.