Where's my badge? šŸ“›

I donā€™t think Iā€™d heard that one before. I kinda like the bass line. It seems like one that might be fun to learn to play. Thanks for sharing!

Canā€™t explain well why. Itā€™s kind of like Led Zeppelinā€™s Living Loving Maid. Far below their best I guess. But people who play often hear things differently.

No Top Music Critic :name_badge: for me. :slight_smile:


Song named ā€˜Badgeā€™ because of George Harrisonā€™s handwriting.
Living Loving Maid is Jimmy Pageā€™s least favorite Zeppelin song. :man_shrugging:


Fact: You can choose which of your system-granted attributes appears first in the popup profile.

:astonished: Really? You must not be ancient enough :rofl:

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Iā€™ll have to make a note to check that one out sometime, too. Itā€™s not ringinā€™ a bell.

I should be clear: I donā€™t consider what I do play in the sense of perform with an instrument. For me, itā€™s more like tinker and have funā€¦with a musical instrument.

Uhā€¦Iā€™ll take that as a complimentā€¦? Listening to the song, the vibe was familiar to me, but I was kind of surprised that the particular song itself didnā€™t seem like something Iā€™d heard before; itā€™s one I wouldā€™ve expected to hear, given my upbringing.

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Passing a torch generationally :point_down: :slight_smile:


Somewhat on topic, my remix finally got enough downloads for me to earn another badge organically:


That kind of surprises me because the design is doing such a specific thing and because itā€™s my first (and only, so far) design that Iā€™ve uploaded. I wonder which of the models were actually downloaded and how many of those downloads were modified for different anglesā€¦. :thinking:

I wonder if any of them were the Carver! (Heā€™s my only ā€œfollowerā€ over there as of this writing.[1] I interpret that as a badge in and of itself.)

  1. 2024-06-16T16:12:49Z ā†©ļøŽ

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I did not download it, but I did save/like/bookmark it.

I might print one later. I have a spare one of these VDBv2ā€™s that I havenā€™t installed yet so may use it for that eventually.

Also saved it to recommend to other people.

:cowboy_hat_face: Ever wore a real badge, pilgrim?

I noticed a while back that you had it in a collection. I didnā€™t download it, either. I wanted to see how long it would take for that badge to happen. :upside_down_face:

If you need a different angle and donā€™t want to futz with it yourself, feel free to let me know. I saw that someone else used BenKenobiā€™s design in a remix to achieve a lateral angle.

I appreciate the recommendation! :+1:

Iā€™m guessing youā€™re not counting ID badges. I ainā€™t never had a tin star, ifā€™n thatā€™s what yā€™mean.

:cowboy_hat_face: Youā€™re a good gesser, pilgrim.

Not a tin star but I have a badge. :upside_down_face:


Go Navy. Eight years was enough for me. Fond memories.


I had an old WWII veteran tell me ā€œif it wasnā€™t for men like me, you would be goose stepping and eating rice.ā€

Sir, and I mean this with the utmost respect, THANK YOU.


Thanks, Mr. Morrison.

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This is pretty cool! I like your work! Seriously!

Thereā€™s gotta be something you could do for meā€¦ :thinking: ā€¦ you have a generous nature, so Iā€™d be helping you out, too, win-win!

(No, I have never worn a real badge ever, it would probably feel quite strange to me if I did. :cowboy_hat_face: )

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Thanks! Seriously! I appreciate the feedback, and I apologize for taking so long to respond. I mustā€™ve missed the notification about this post somewhere (or maybe Iā€™ve just had tunnel vision about my Cam v4 issue).

I like to think so in some sense. I do enjoy being helpful when I can.

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What badge is granted when a founder asks a customer a question? :wink:

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Sorry, no question mark, so it might count as a rhetorical statement and be up for debate.

Do I get a badge for every question any founder has asked me? :slight_smile:

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So I shouldnā€™t have answered? Got it!

I know. Youā€™re fun.

Yes. It should be like military decorations where you get :star: or oak leaf cluster or similar devices for additional awards of the same achievement. Maybe there should be different colors of :frog: devices. That seems like a symbol of inquisitiveness, yes?


I mean, sometimes I still answer rhetorical questions, donā€™t you? (Rhetorical)

Do in-person or video call questions count, or only publicly documented and referenceable ones? I mean, even CIA agents get some awards for classified things theyā€™ve done :thinking:

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