Where's my badge? 📛

My toddler kept being terrified of imaginary monsters, so at bedtime I finally started watching various monsters inc franchise media with her to hopefully help think monsters are nice.

I make mistakes all the time, and there is tons I didn’t know. The more I know, the more I know that I don’t know.

Actually rather than wasting brain storage “KNOWING” random trivia and things, I try to teach my brain how to remember there is a simple answer and how find it. Similar to this old description:

So, I’m okay with not knowing a lot of things. I would probably lose horribly on Jeopardy trivia. There are even a ton of things about Wyze that I don’t know or remember, But I definitely know how to leverage my Maven, Mods, and employee buddies (and even nanny other community Members) to help cover my gaps and weaknesses. Sometimes in back channels, or DMS, or sometimes just call them to come answer themselves.

I think, knowing how to use resources is way more important than knowing everything yourself. It allows you to go exponential beyond your personal resource limitations. Would Einstein have been as smart in physics as he was If he had filled up his mind and neural connections to Warehouse frivolous facts and trivia that he could instead look up when it was needed? There’s also a ton of evidence that he leveraged his wife as one of his greatest resources, and that she didn’t get as much credit as she probably deserves for all of the biggest things he got credit for. I relate to this since most of the success in my life can be attributed to my wife.

I think people who come to the forum [without knowing things] to ask the people who do know them are actually really smart and leveraging their resources. They don’t need to know and figure out and memorize all of those things that the Wyze experts can just tell them. Doesn’t make anyone less smart by leveraging a resource instead of knowing it themselves, and in a lot of ways it makes them more intelligent by knowing how to leverage such resources.

Anyway, just some random thoughts to keep in mind. :wink: