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How do you do that?

The mysteries of Wyze … We wonder but we don’t get answers

Why is has been known to update firmware without notifying customers

Hi Gwendolyn,
Do you have any updates on how the project is going to view cameras on PC/MAC?

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It is still in the researching phase, there are no timelines as of yet

@WyzeJasonJ …As a professional technologist myself for 30 years, I am curious as to why based on this thread alone… dating back to 2018 that it is taking so long to either bring this to fruition or tombstone it and simply say Wyze is NOT going to accommodate this feature request? If it is truly in the research phase, what is the gap that Wyze is seeing that is preventing this from moving forward? If it is going to be rolled out, what is the roadmap? And don’t give a generic answer like you just did with no timelines as of yet, or… in time, or we will give an update soon, or soon or any ambiguous answer. I think it’s fair that the patrons who buy and use your products have a right to know road map release information so we can make informed decisions on where we see ourselves in the Wyze ecosystem going forward or if we should stop buying Wyze and look at other products that have this highly demanded feature that is dating back in this thread to November 2018. That is a lifetime in technology…


Well said scottyd. I am also a long time technologist and this is what I would call ‘horse manure’. Yes, I know that Wyze never said that we could view our cameras from out wifi connected browsers, and it’s my fault that I assumed that it was an existing capability. Shame on me for assuming.
However, this is pretty clearly in high demand, so in the words of my father, Wyze, please [Mod Edit]. Meaning do what we are asking - either fix this or don’t, but clearly tell us what you are or are not going to do please.
I would say we have been more than patient. The absence of a clear reply has already put my Wyze ecosystem on hold (no more purchases) and I’ll only wait another month or so before I decide to leave for good.

MOD NOTE: Post edited to conform to the Community Guidelines.

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You are responding to a forum moderator not a Wyze employee. The products are no more his than they are yours.

The last sentsnce was “There are no timelines yet.”. To me that means don’t hold your breath.

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In the absence of ANY positive responses, one must assume that Wyze only hears Benjamin Franklin and the like. If they continue down this path, the user base will eventually mass migrate to other opportunities Much like Lemmings did to the sea (but with more opportunities)… The eventual death of the company will surely come at their own hands. Those of us who’ve taken the steps to help Wyze recognize and correct issues will eventually hit the life rafts…


We don’t want to do this, but if communication of your intent does not quickly become apparent… Many of us will be on the dock waving as your ship sinks


I seriously doubt that the few complaints from the ethics minority committee in this thread are going to drive the business in any particular direction. They are diversifying and making new products, and are focused on that instead of giving people something they haven’t promised. And I am pretty sure that if they just shove a PC Client solution out there without giving it due consideration and design, y’all are gonna still complain that it has bugs and that it is not ready for the market. I am sure they are “working on it”, and like many other software development projects that people are asking for from companies that have not advertised nor promised the function we are asking for, they are hesitant to give a date for that, because it falls outside of their regular product development.

They are making money from what they are selling, and they are smart to diversify. They are not so smart not to seem out of touch with their customer base though, by buffering with a forum where people give input and get nothing from them but a few morsels from people assigned to give basic non-committal responses.

Every product has detractors. This is nothing exceptional, and if you guys think that the few of you that go around saying “I’ve been in the business a million years and this is unacceptable”, or “I told all my friends not to buy their stuff”, or “Gee, I was gonna buy a hundred of these but now forget it” is going to change their business, you’ve got too much time on your hands. Those self-important kinds of statements would be the kind of stuff that I’d pin to the wall for a laugh when I needed a break.

In all fairness I have not looked in the forum for this kind of FUD-mongering on their other products, and I am sure there is a little, but they are making all kinds of products that cost more money and are selling like crazy, I am sure… because they’re on the lower end of the cost spectrum. With that comes folks that buy the cheapest and complain the most.

They’ll do it when they do it, and you can bet that all the remarks here are seen but not getting a direct response until they are ready. Degrees of separation is a trend in today’s business model, unfortunately, and this keeps them from having to address things directly, except for a few pieces of hope from people assigned to shine the forums with just enough hope to keep you from going crazy while they “look at it”. From the kinds of remarks I see here, I would hesitate to give anything solid either.

It’s a WISH LIST, not a demands list.

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As it has been pointed out by I am just a moderator volunteering my time to Wyze. This is a feature I have also been waiting for and would like very much. I have not liked the work arounds so I do not use them. My generic response that there is not time line was due to the fact there is no firm time line. What I do know is they are working on back end things to aid the Google streaming issues and some of those changes may make this issue easier (this is a guess just basing off comments from different employees in various areas). I also know based on some of their timeline promises that have not happened in the past it is doubtful you will ever see a statement saying it will be done by a certain day, quarter or year. I am assuming they learned their lesson on that.

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while I appreciate your candor, it is the customer, both past and present that determine a companies viable future… With that in mind, I re-state, “Wyze needs to communicate” with us

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It’s pretty darn obvious that WYZE has not and will not make this most requested improvement to their WYZE cam product line.

Will SOMEONE please reply with the name of a camera system that does have Windows desktop viewing? I don’t want to spend hours or days looking for every camera system and researching its capabilities, plusses, and minuses.

I just want to find something that works with the way I live and buy a starter to evaluate. And if it does do what I need, sell all my WYZE junk on FaceBook Marketplace/ Craigslist to get it out of my house, and write off to experience my dalliance with a too-good-to-be-true $20 security system.

Fool me once, shame on you. But WYZE, you aren’t going to fool me again. I don’t trust you anymore.

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But can you record on your PC?

I have a couple Reolink products (E1 and E1 Zoom) and they are pretty good. I gave them a whole bunch of feedback about their PC client and they finally pointed me to a beta version which not too long ago went into production that works much better than the previous one. And it’s got a modern interface. And the units also work with your phone. I can say that the E1 zoom is a nice product but it’s full resolution is not 16:9 which I have gotten over.

I believe if I put in a CD I can.

Thanks for that info. Downloaded and will install shortly. :+1:

They finally got rid of the “fake” 64-bit version. I like them because they listen to input, and they actually make changes to their software in new releases based on that.