View On PC/Browser (Windows / Mac / Chromebook)

Actually, why even talk about OS’s? Now you’re developing different branches for Mac, Windows, iOS, etc. Develop an HTML5 browser-based application that is platform agnostic to cut dev and support costs.


Even better idea!

Uh, it’s in the thread title. :slight_smile:

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no updates since last April?

@wyzedevops ?

Please don’t restrict necessary capabilities in the make of security. One reason I am switching to the Wyze cam is because of Arlo’s absurd “security theatre”.

I think the 2 factor authentication is a good thing as long as Arlo fixes the problem and allows you to be able to add your PC as a trusted device…
You are a aware that they switched it so that you can turn 2 factor authentication off for the time being until they fix the issue right?

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Don’t switch to Wyze thinking that they will fix this issue. I doubt they ever will.


No, I wasn’t aware of that, I wasn’t aware they even considered it a problem. What do they think the problem is?

Two factor authentication is great when you have a variety of 2FA schemes, including at least two open systems like FIDO.

True, along with a multitude of other issues.

Yeah , they considered it a problem after they made a lot of people mad , including me ,they got flooded with complaints to support including me, and lots of people ranting about it on the forum , including me.
The problem is they forced everyone to use 2 factor authentication but failed to implement a way to add PC as a trusted device , therefore you would have to put in a code every time you wanted to log in on PC , after you receive the message you have 20 seconds to put in the code or receive an email that might time out before the email ever came through.
They said they were going to fix the issue with the PC web page allowing PC to be added as a trusted device over a year ago but didn’t and still forced it on everyone

For me the worse underlying problem was only allowing one device logged in at a time.

Why don’t they just add support for TOTP and people can just add it to their Google Authenticator or 1password or any of the other TOTP applications widely available? It’s literally zero cost to support PCs after that.

We added TOTP at work and it was practically painless.

(also I’m looking at you right now Apple, who created their own proprietary TOTP for their 2FA, which completely misses the point)

I vote for this feature for Chromebook users. (Chrome extension or web app)

Thank you

I’m with ya , I don’t like that either

Wyze could solve this problem now with Smartthings integration

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I would really love to be able to view my cameras on my PC. Either through a WIndows app or through any web browser. Key functions I think would be helpful are the ability to view multiple cameras at once as well as integrated microphone permission to be able to speak through the cam as we can with the mobile apps.

No, I’m switching to Wyze because their cameras are massively better and they aren’t forcing security theatre on me.

Angus, to your knowledge, is there any pad or OS that will display the Wyze app in landscape mode?

Not that I know of. I think it would have to an app feature not OS dependant.