Turkey stopping traffic

We have been seeing more turkeys in our neighborhood lately.
This one doesn’t seem to worry about getting hit.


They like to peck car tires. Walking New Year’s dinner . :grin:

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Neighbor says this is a female, so I shall dub her Gobbelrina.


I told you all before they are evil creatures, except my long time Golf course turkey friend Thérèsia Turkey. :turkey:

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According to Facebook, she has been all over. They have named her Wanda, so her full name is Wanda Gobbelrina


That’s an understatement! That Turkey was actively running in front of 3 cars TRYING to get hit.

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Definitely not coming to your neighborhood by helicopter.

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It is a female. You can tell by the bluish-grey color of her head. Also the lack of a beard. Females also do not gobble. Only males gobble, hence the nickname “gobbler.” :turkey:

And NOBODY has ever said turkeys were smart. Most of their brain is devoted to vision and hearing.

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