Trash panda eating my bird seed

The Raccoons were so insulted and depressed at being labeled with the derogatory name “Tash Panda” they took the night off last night. They submit this proof from their Version 1 WCO as evidence that they are not the ones taking the trash. :raccoon:

That too,

As proof of their deserved moniker, I present damning evidence

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That was a working conference in a dive hotel. :rofl:

Starting to all look the same, and got the same look.

Photoshop? After looking at each one, they all do look the same.

If that is the case, in my best impression of Emily Latella


Look at the eyes on that cat.


Think anything is gonna get by her? :slight_smile:

Is this gap intentional?


Him! And nothing gets past him. He’s the man of the house.

My boy Phelan :heart::heart::heart:

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Yes it is intentional because I am to lazy and to cheap to add a bunch of fill to make the ground between the side and and front yard the same level. The soil here is adobe and when dry you need an excavator, a dog that loves to dig or dynamite to do anything with it. If it wasn’t there then all the critters would have to climb over the fence :upside_down_face:
Speaking of an excavator: I don’t know what she was digging for?

Mister Muddy Paws :grin:

What was the ambient temperature then?

Reason I ask is because years ago we got a new puppy and walked it down to the neighbor. She brought out a bowl of water and our pup was shoving both front paws in the bowl. We all thought it was funny. Later I realized the hot asphalt road burned the pads on her paws and she was cooling them off. :weary::roll_eyes:

Temperature at that time was 67 degrees. The street he crossed may have still been a bit warm since it was 90* yesterday but I think he just wanted to make a mess.

Back again, only stuck one paw in the water bowl this time. I need to change the cam back to recording in HD the SD is not the greatest. **** Did someone steal my Possum friends? They have been MIA for a week.:astonished: :astonished:

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Our possums have not been around either lately. Could they be off having/taking care of babies?
We do have a new panda family with mom and 3 kids. Been showing up multiple times a night for a week now. My video is too large to upload.

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They could be having a Possum Convention someplace. I think my favorite (Petronella Possum) went off to Possum heaven since she was around here for about 2 years or more. Some of here grown kids have been coming by for a while but none is the last week or more. I usually get at least two :raccoon: a night. I have to edit and shorten most of the V3 videos since the max size here is 5 MB. The videos from the WCO cameras are only 12 seconds so they load here just fine.


Here on the East coast mid-Atlantic, the little coon kits just started tagging along with their moms about a week ago for nighttime foraging. It’s been really quiet here the month before that with only occasional males showing up at night and a few moms grabbing a quick meal during the daytime.


You’re going to need a Costco sized bag of marshmallows now .


I’m ready for the mayhem. I have 30 bags of mallows, 40 lbs of cat kibble and 60 lbs of dog kibble. :rofl:

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I looked for compression software for my iPad but they all require a credit card. The ones that let me preview only brought a 130 mb video down to 68.

For the V3 camera videos I just view playback of the event on the SD card, tap record to start and stop to get a small clip. That short video is then saved in my iPhone/iPad photo album. I either post from the phone/iPad or email it to myself and post via my PC.