February 12, 2022, 4:57pm
There sure is a lot of tracking attempts coming from this app. I opt out of everything to try to have more privacy on the net and apps but it seems like opting out doesn’t matter. I didn’t expect this from wyze since I’m buying products to help secure my home. I’d like wyze to help secure my privacy in the app as well. Regards!
P.S. I’m beginning to wonder if wyze has or can give access to my Cams at home.
I wish they wouldn’t do this but they want to data mine their customer base, I guess, in order to make more money.
Some previous discussion and a statement by Wyze.
Hey All, @WyzeGwendolyn hunted me down and diligently made sure I got back to all of you here. I am not saying that to downplay the importance of responding here or of downplaying the importance of letting you know what information we collect. I only added that to let you know that Gwen is awesome.
Ok, to the question posed by @Daniel_SA . We are working on implementing both Segment and Braze . They are still not fully implemented, but we do have their basic SDKs inside of our ap…
I’ve started using Duck Duck Go’s app tracking on Android to see what my apps are sharing with different trackers and have discovered that Wyze sends tracking data to a 3rd party segment.io . Can you please explain exactly what information you are sending to segment.io from my wyze app and how this data is used or shared?
Recently Apple introduced App Tracking Transparency, a feature for iPhones and iPads that asks users in each app whether they want to allow third-party app tracking or not, wi…
February 13, 2022, 7:09pm
I’m not sure how anything squares with anything anymore, but here’s a little history (2019) from a Wyze fellow…
The thing is, we are being asked to open the system up and down, left and right but I have not seen a single product on the market that offers that level of flexibility or that went to the level of effort to provide information and made changes to reassure users that we are taking privacy extremely seriously. We even bet the company by not accepting a round of investment that would have not favorably served our customers.
We have developed a strong community and we sell through word of mouth with a referral rate that makes any marketer drool! And I should know, I live with one!
We are trying to keep everything as low cost as possible. Our conference room use conference tables that we got for free. Ikea and Amazon loves us because we are sourcing a lot through them. We examine the costs of everything very carefully and determined if it’s worth spending the money or not. TL;DR we are very cost conscious and don’t live above our means.
So why am I saying this? Because we do NOT need to sell customer data to stay in business.
Now we could just do it to make an extra buck. Except that we believe in protecting our customers. We deeply believe that your data is YOUR data and not ours to sell. We put privacy in front of everything. We see what is happening around us. We see how Facebook is getting beaten down on privacy concerns and so rightfully. It would be stupid for us to follow the same path.
My emphases
February 14, 2022, 4:47pm
Hey @CTNinja
Are the references provided useful?
Response optional, of course. My curiosity often gets the better of me.
By the way, this is another reason I stick to using Alexa and TinyCam to operate my Wyze products. They work well, minimalistically, and unobtrusively. (Yes of course I know Amazon tracks the poop out of me.)
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September 2, 2022, 1:41am
Wyze just added google trackers to the app. I dont trust google at all. Please back off the tracking abit WYZE!
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September 2, 2022, 12:35pm
I noticed the Google tracker showing up intermittently on several apps I actively use - Wyze and tinyCam Pro being two.
Probably just Google wetting its enormous beak when and wherever it can…
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Just since this morning! Its rolling nonstop now.
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