Won’t work… Ich nicht verste.
Some of the theories on the sensors being on the same “Hot…” setting is based the fact that I think there is MORE to the MATH than just a straight average… I can’t back it up yet, yet… Its a hunch… based on putting the sensors I have (UPS glitch) up… Since they take 6, I am going to max out… one won’t be in the HVAC control, as its more for a data point, I can move it later once the Sense Hub is in as I need it to do a task ie: plug controlled via temp…
Basically my theory is to let all the sensors acclimate to the location and then do some math on my end to determine what I need to set the tstat to based on these variances to achieve the “perceived” temperature, ie comfortable, not running on and on and because the tstat thinks its hot etc… (This WAS AN ISSUE TO Wyze… its crap vent and tstat location. neither is fixable… trust me you didn’t want to be around on install days…
I don’t have the Security/Sense base, yet… Thats part of the Xmas Lab time… so good to know on the actions available… Its going to be the subject of some other very intense hacking for things…
In re the HVAC modes… Not an HVAC person so I just know the barest of basics on it… out of depth on most of it… but…
As for manual fan control… IF … when I used the old digital (as in it had an LCD, not programmable etc.) tstat click to fan, it comes ON IMMEDIATELY… Test why the fan don’t come on with the Wyze… JUMP THE WIRES… Fan comes ON IMMEDIATELY… I think setting to By Furnace was more the catalyst for it to work… Why??? I never changed out of the Controls Sub Menu before the fan did finally came on… So there is some delay some where in this loop be it software, tstat firmware, “cloud” traversal??
The documentation … and install stuff, and transparency etc. are well. Clearly stuff which needs some work… and I am going to just leave it there… point being there is stuff here that SHOULD BE THERE. Some other things… too much reliance on ONLINE INSTALL in the software or web site… Yeah I get this is likely some cost reduction move… It was more a comment on what should happen… as unlikely as it is…
Which leads to Alexa… and these:
I’ve tried this
Alexa What is the Living Room Temperature… “Living room doesn’t support that!” Well then what does it support… pick another sensors… I can’t find a group or device with that name… Getting the THERMOSTAT TEMP works… I didn’t try commands to change temp or modes… So? ???