RTSP for V3

All cams running smooth in HomeKit. 3 Blacks, 2 V2s, and one pan. Also got my vac ship email today and I ordered in July. Loving you guys and gals at the moment.

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I’m using the latest BlueIris v5.5.1.1 and BI keeps crashing only when I enable the audio channel. I tried different audio stream profiles and still crashing. Without audio, my V3 RTSP video is very good but connection drops once a while. When I use VLC, the V3 RTSP video AND audio streams are rock solid. Maybe there’s something wrong with BI ???
But my three V2 RTSP with audio are rock solid in BI. I tried using the V2 profile for the V3 cam but BI keeps crashing because audio channel is enabled. I didn`t figure it out yet !!! Anyone else noticed that too with BI?

None of that is V3?

I have two v3s working on Digital Watchdog Spectrum 4.2 using RTSP working great. Both Wyze cam plus is working and motion detection for DW Spectrum

Wait, you said HomeKit? If we get HomeKit compatibility, then I know countless people that will be upgrading to Wyze cameras as that’s the one major reason to hold out from our tech clients.

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I had recently been looking for this, do you have some sort of open source project that turns RTSP streams into Homekit digestible cameras?

Thank you Wyze !! I bought 4 V3’s on the basis of the RTSP. Home Assistant integration a breeze. Please keep supporting it.

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*** BLUE IRIS RTSP AUDIO SOLVED *** No more crashing when the audio is enabled.

I found the problem and a solution. For an unknown reason, the problem is that BI sets the registry Audio_Channels to 128, but it must be set to 1.
You need to change this option in Windows registry. This is a permanent solution. You only have to do this once, unless you add a new camera later. Here are the steps:
1- Close Blue Iris if it’s not already done.
2- Run Windows Regitry Editor as admin and browse to the folder CAMERAS located at:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Perspective Software\Blue Iris\Cameras
3- Just under, select the folder corresponding to your V3 cam name
4- In the right section, locate the option audio_channels (it should be set to 128 by default), double click on it and change the value from 80 to 1.
5- If you have more than one V3 cam, repeat steps 3 and 4 for each cam name.
6- Done! Start Blue Iris, enable the audio channel for each cameras and voilà, Félicitation!

Good luck and let me know if it worked for you too.


Wow crazy @Skycam, thanks for posting this. Questions

  1. how did you even figure this out? What does that entry reflect in the bi software?
    2)hundreds of other cams audio works fine with BI but wc3 has the audio issue; how is it a BI issue and not wc3? Noteably that wc2 rtsp does not have this issue (although the audio on wc2 rtsp is clipping).
    3)any chance this change for BI affect other cameras audio? I know the change is for wc3 entry, just dont want any surprises :slight_smile:

Gonna have to try this, very encouraging even though we should not have to do registry hacks

Much thanks!!!

I’m thrilled to be able to try my v3s on Blue Iris when I get a chance I have about 10 Blue Iris cameras at the moment… plus I have amcrest and hikvision, foscam… It grew over the years. We do horseback riding lessons for kids here so they’re going to be 40 people on the property at a time. The audio on the wyze cameras is pitiful. But I can live with it, don’t really have them for audio. Hard to understand somebody from 4 ft away. My foscam from 8 years ago can understand normal conversation from 60 ft away. so anyway, I do like the wyse, the event recording and such, great for my rental cabin in the mountains, catches videos of bears all the time. Recently put into wyzr thermostats so I can check on them remotely and set them right.

Without being an expert, I figured this out simply by comparing the registry between V2 and V3 cams.

I do not know if the source of the problem comes from BI or Wyze RTSP stream. It could be something in the RTSP stream that BI doesn’t like, with the outcome of setting the AUDIO_CHANNELS to 128?

I don’t know how BI deal whit this option but I suppose that it’s the quantity of transmitted channels (like strereo would be =2), but this is just a guess.

This change does not affect other cameras audio. I have tested the audio of all my V2 and V3 cams and they are all working good. Good luck!

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Impressive, most impressive.

Where noone from Wyze is checking or responding to any issues posted.


I’ve been surprised at that as well. At least putting it all in one place will make it easier for everyone to find information about the firmware. I’ll see if I can find out anything about the Beta test.

Most likely, its the BI software doing that. Simply because its the BI software creating and populating that key at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Perspective Software\Blue Iris\Cameras

You are right that BI creates those keys, but who knows if the bad value doesn’t come from an unstable (or incompatibles) V3 RTSP stream ? After all, V2 RTSP works good. Wyze Dev should take a look at this.

So is the RTSP firmware generally considered unstable? After streaming an RTSP stream from the V3s, they crash after a few minutes, and they are unresponsive even to the Wyze app.

All the technical discussions have been going on in the Beta thread. The V3 RTSP firmware is the first Beta release, so it probably isn’t perfect. No one knows what the future holds for it ATM (you may want to just read the last few messages, it is a long thread!):

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I have a dozen V3 cameras with RTSP and have not seen that. All are streaming to BlueIris 24x7

Haven’t seen what? I didn’t make any claims. :slight_smile: