Power my front porch Cam. Thoughts?

Hello all.

As you can see in my photo, I have a Wyze Cam v2 on my front porch. Originally, I had only put this here to test to see how I like the Cam. A year later, it’s still setup the same way.

Anyways…I’d like to install this to where someone can’t simply unplug from the outdoor outlet. What have you all done in similar situations? Run the USB cable up through the ceiling and into the attic? I don’t have any power outlets currently in the attic.

Thanks for any suggestions!

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How about putting a smart bulb in the overhead light so you can leave the switch on , along with a plug adapter and then you can power the camera from the light fixture


I don’t know what’s under that vinyl ceiling, but I’d install an outlet in that ceiling and plug it in there. If possible (room enough) I’d install the outlet up in the ceiling with a small vinyl sliding door for access, tape/paint the the usb cord to match the brick face, and power it that way.

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I wouldn’t like all that cord hanging down but if you’re OK with that then there is a cheaper option you could go with.

Sealproof 1-Gang Slim Weatherproof Outdoor Outlet Cover | Lockable, 18 Configurations https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MDV7LCN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_G-olEbQZAK92Y

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And add another motion sensor to trigger the porch light that’s what I do. So when the dog out the light comes on soon as it clears the light goes off and then when the dog comes back from doing her business the light comes on and then as soon as it clears it goes off. And the great thing is you can always set a time for it to stay on longer if you want to. Or manually turn it on and leave it on for as long as you want


I also have an Alexa Routine where I say visitors are now leaving. And my Wyze lights I talked about on the front porch that are covered come on and the outside light fixture in front and the two in front of the garage that run off of the smart Lutron switch come on.

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This is what I was looking for when I set up cameras looking out at my share parking lot. I have a lot of kids smoking meth out there and I figured they wouldn’t like the cameras.
Fortunately I work in a sheet metal shop so I fabricated my own heavy duty boxes with thick plexi-glass fronts. Haven’t had a problem with them yet and they’ve been up for almost 6 months.
They sell a bunch of different types of boxes on Amazon, look around and you’ll find one that suits your needs OP.

Edit: Just realized I complete misunderstood this whole post. We’re talking about the outlet! Lol. Yes, a lockable outlet cover is the simple solution.

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A locked outlet cover only prevents someone from unplugging the extension cord. It doesn’t stop anyone from unplugging the USB adapter from the extension cord.
The porch ceiling light fixture should have power going to it at all times. The wire to switch it on/off should run from the switch to the fixture. There would be 2 black wires and 2 white wires in the light fixture box.
You could easily tap into the power wire, going to the light, to add an outlet in the ceiling just above the door.

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One alternative approach to this would be to simply wait another couple months for the Wyze Outdoor Cam.


We don’t know the security features of the outdoor camera yet. Unless they have specified that already and I’m out of the loop… There is much I do not know.

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Right after the RSTP huh…

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Per professionaldiy on Reddit r/wyzecam
My Economical Mount


The outdoor camera doesn’t help the situation. He still needs a better power connection.
His camera is well protected under the porch roof.

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I would try making porch light in to a smart one. You need a light switch to plug via radio. Then make a 120v pigtail to get power from the light. But doing do you really what to make a smarter house too. Just a website that I look at for info Featured Products – Z-Wave Outlet

Also mine inlaw has ADT and from I read it can control z wave

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If that’s a garage wall on the right… I’d drill a hole through it for the USB cable and mount the cam on the brick more out of reach. That’s essentially what I did but not through brick.

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for a smaller hole


The outdoor camera would be a solution because they run off of battery so he wouldn’t need a power outlet.

but one more thing got to worry about a camera battery.

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Virtually every outdoor camera unless it’s the wired CCTV camera system is battery operated. I have two friends that both have Arlo. One has extra batteries and every three months he just goes out and change is out the batteries and charges the other ones. My other friend has an alert on his calendar on a Saturday every six months he gets his Arlos down and charges them. There’s not really any extremely big deal. and if they’re wired they’re permit. if they’re battery operated and you place it somewhere and realize you don’t like the view you can easily take it down and move it to another location and get the view you want

Battery and solar good where there is no 100% power. But changing battery would not last for me.

I learn a lot from mine parents cabin Nest cam. You want 7 day of record time. So you can see what happen before it trigger with easy. Then you want to have a green light and sign to tell stay away. The only thing good about Ring is the Neighbor app. I don’t care for the 12 sec record time. Also people with ring is missing the beauty of the mountain the day before. When it snows wow and thanks that I not freezing mine butt.

With in a couple of hour I can have power on that porch and not look back.
I am not afraid to cut drywall but also I am looking for future too. More camera and lighting when I do stuff like that.

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