I have only one red and one white coming out of the wall. The furnace is newer i just think they didn’t want to run a new wire so they used the old thermostat and didn’t upgrade the wiring. Can I use the Wyze Thermostat or not? if i can’t with just a Red and White, what do i need to do? how many wires do i need to run through the wall to make this thermostat work? I only have heat, no AC.
Thanks for the help
if u run a new wire, I’d get at least a 4 conductor wire. I believe u could also get away with powering the wyze tstat via a external source that plugs into an outlet nearby. Here’s one: https://www.amazon.com/Transformer-Thermostat-Competible-Versions-Honeywell/dp/B07DJ7RHS5/ref=pd_ybh_a_54?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=3GYFHM3N5K19NHC0NBJC
R - 24v power
C - 24v common
W - heat
G - fan control
thanks for the help, are you saying i have 2 options? Option 1 is to run a new 4 strand wire and option 2 is to buy the transformer and keep my existing wiring? or do i need to get the transformer for option 1 as well? thanks.
yes, 2 options. If you can run a new wire, that’s the best option.
@Ken.S gave good advice. I had a similar situation several years ago. All I had was the red and white wires with an old mercury thermostat and wanted a programable thermostat and fan control. Lots of furnaces have the additional connections available such as the G and C wires, but just never connected. Mine had the previously unused connections so I ran a new 6 conductor cable and hooked up the G and C in addition to the R and W I already have. That way I was able to use a programable thermostat without needing to keep changing batteries and also got fan control. Now I was all set when I got the Wyze thermostat years later also.
The only reason I ran a 6 conductor instead of a 4 was to future proof in case I ever added central AC.
makes sense! thanks for the help, i’ll do the same.
thanks for the help!