No cell phone - need Win 7 help

Yes, understood. I’m just saying if she acquires an Android device then she doesn’t need to bother with the TinyCam route. We are almost entirely in agreement. :slight_smile:

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Concurrence. A device that is current and capable would make workarounds unnecessary.

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She said she had installed Bluestacks already. I was just pointing out that she could install the Wyze app and activate her cameras.
I’m not recommending anything and if I was, who cares? :blush:
Overall I agree, simple IP cameras may have been a better choice but she’s already got $60+ in Wyze cameras.


Sorry for my current ignorance but I bought the Wyse Cam Pan because Ithought it was the least expensive that would enable me to “look around”. My niavety of current world dependence of “smart phones” I thought could be overcome with the Tinycamp Pro app. I didn’t realize - totally my fault - the need for Wyse’s software just to initialize the cams. AND to add to my ignorance that software is ONLY downloadable to a “smart phone” deicve.

I believed from the simplistic Amazon answers that Tinycam Pro could run on a Win machine in background like so many programs do and I would just need to click on a tab to view what the cameras were seeing. After so many of you thankfully have attempted to help me get on course it has become apparent that purchasing a relativly inexpensive tablet may be the simple solution to the the complicated problem I CREATED. Once installed I will let tablet sit next to my chair and grab it when needed to get my view of the outside world.

I appoligize for any stir I CREATED with my current low level of technology understanding. I appreacet the efforts of everyone who has attempted to help me find a simple solution - THANK YOU. In a couple of weeks I’ll be able to order an Android tablet for installation and viewing. “Knock on wood” everything will work as advertised.

Thank you.

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No need for apologies. :blush:
The Wyze Pan is the cheapest Pan camera that I know of and it works well.
Stay away from Amazon Fire tablets. They are inexpensive but don’t natively support Google Play Store or the Wyze app.
Come on back when you get a tablet and we’ll help you out if you need it.

Looking at

Not cheapest but if I am going to buy one I MAY find it usefull for other things after I get it. Rather buy a bit extra than wish that I had enough later and need to buy something else. Maybe I’ll learn to like them as from reviews even young kids are using them for homeschooling +++. Maybe I am not too old to learn some new tricks.

Thank you,

True. I was able to sideload Wyze onto mine but it is an additional hoop. I’d hate to see someone on a budget have to spend $100+ on a tablet, though, when decent ones can be had for $50.

I’ve never heard of that brand. Maybe others have.

It had a lot of positive reviews compared to a lot of others I looked at. Seems today that unless you spend a few hundred that its a semi crap shoot with models changing so often.

The specs are fine. Android 10 is new enough, the processor, RAM, storage and screen are adequate.
Higher end tablets will get you higher resolution, faster processors and more storage space. All things you don’t need.
I think you’ll like tablets.

Thank you to everyone for the help and advice. Black Friday Pre-sale Android 10 32GB in a 10.1 screen Digiland DL 1036.$60… been quite the experience learning both Android touch screen and Wyse. Wyse tech support has be execellent and openly admits to a couple of issues that they are still working on. They don’t try to coverup or blame something else which is admirable. I found out Pan cam was “useless” where I wanted the first one and replaced it with the V2. Mounting location didn’t need the Pan functions. The two Pans and V2 cover 1/2 the perimiter access to my home and the detection zones cover motion within atleast 25 feet. Fun watching the Pan cams motion detection chasing shadows of passing vehicles in the early morning sunlight.

Without a doubt purchase of a new separate device to activate and monitor these cams was the prudent choice. I believe I had a normal frustrating cutting my teeth experience learning Wyse software and limitations. Bigger Android touch screen issues where being a “bull in a China shop” or “use a bigger hammer” does not work. Amazed that software engineers do NOT place their app icons in 1/4 the distance from the edge where the operating system has drop down menus for other functions - just common sense so finger locations do not interfere with competing inputs. I will probably order a two more V3 cams when they become available (counfusion as some people seem to have already have them from a different thread) and will have about 85% coverage of my home.

A little background – about 4 years ago a neighbor came home early and found his wife in bed with another man and killed both of them. He called the police and waited there to “commit suicide by cop”. I hear sirens going by quite ofter but by the time I could get to the windows and open inside privacy shutters to see outside they were long gone so this day imagine when a police officer rings my doorbell to ask if they may access my backyard (6’ walled in) in an attempt to caputre the shooter. There were 12 cop vehicles, an ambulance and a fire rescue truck all parked in the street in front of my home. I had NO idea they were there and the standoff that was taking place not 75 feet from my home. The murderer finally took aim in the direction of officers and three opened fire killing him. With these cameras I now have eyes on my small part of the world. A siren driving by or a UPS delivery I can see who/what and feel secure that there is no threat to me.

Thank all of you for your help and asssistance moving me to get past my stubborness of not wanting another device. It is truely the right way to solve the issues.


Great to hear you found a solution and at a reasonable price too.

Stay safe. From stray bullets and viruses. :slight_smile:


I’m glad you opted for a device that can natively support the cams, I believe this was your best option!!

Congrats on a nice new tablet, too. I think you’ll enjoy it for many other uses also.

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