Mod Maven Appreciation Day 👏

You’re welcome.

FYI (just in case): Nils Sjöberg - Wikipedia


Yeah, I read an article on it from a while ago. She admitted that she wrote a lot of popular songs for other artists under that pseudonym and chose the name because they were the most common Swedish male names.

People either love her or they hate her, but regardless of any other thing about her specifically I’ve loved her music since at least 2008 (I personally prefer her earlier stuff to her pop stuff though) and pretty much have all her albums. :joy: In fact, back in the day I used have several GB’s worth of music in MP3 format. Nowadays, TS music is one of the only kinds I have in MP3 form anymore, while most everything else I just stream with ads. :musical_note:

Though, to be fair, I very uncommonly listen to any music anymore
the majority of my audio is comprised of audiobooks:


I’ve got a lot to get through :joy: I only got through 80 books last year!

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Never been a namesake, might be fun. Thanks! :grin:

You are very much yourself, my friend. :+1:
