Light Strip Pro - Allow for a much slower transition (Speed slider/setting) for Effects

Previously, the founders indicated that they were planning to mostly extend the year of the camera into 2024 too, though they would be doing a lot with AI, etc.

But there is hope. Dave has indicated that when they get Cash Flow positive, then they can have freedom for doing other things. Something similar was stated in that same letter:

And Wyze recently announced that they finally had their first cashflow positive quarter in Q1 2024. So, that now gives them a little more freedom to start considering doing other things. I am guessing that most of this summer and early fall are already decided on their roadmap though…and those would’ve almost certainly been related to their original early goals.

Hopefully now that they are cashflow positive they can revisit a lot of these other things toward the end of the year. I suspect this one in particular won’t be at the top of their list since it only has 12 votes, but it’s possible since it SEEMS to me like it might be an easy one to implement, so it could skip ahead if it isn’t that complex and doesn’t take a lot of resources.

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