Is Anyone Actually Satisfied With Their Wyze Camera?

Well said @IL1 - the cameras have proved their value to me time and time again. I also tried to do that whole “video through the glass” thing with several cameras and ultimately decided to mount the Cam v3 outside. man the night vision is SO good.

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@WorldwideDave If you have extra V2s you don’t need, I don’t mind taking them from you. :wink:

My V2s are now monitoring the sides of the house, still looking through the window, but I also put these cheap solar motion lights nearby outside the window. Now whenever there’s motion outside at night, the motion lights outside would come on, the V2s motion detection would trigger, and I get enough lights for decent night vision.

you will be blown away when you upgrade those v2 to v3 or OG cams. SO much better.

I’m recording from 20 feet away on a 2nd story window, so quality matters.


3 v3, 1 pan cam (older) no problems other than the usual power outages in FL.
Great products, great staff.

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I am in the process of replacing my Wyze Cam Pan v2 devices with Wyze Cam OG. They will not pan/zoom, but I find they are simply more reliable than the Wyze Cam Pan v2. Their cameras are much better on the WCP v2 than on WCP v1 by a long shot. However, I have had my WCPv2 go offline several times in the past 2 weeks, where the WyzeCam OG have not. Same house. Same wifi. Same speed. Same power. All on UPS. So just to increase my own piece of mind, I’m upgrading them. At $25 each, I can afford to do it. I have 6 Wyze Cam Pan v2 devices I will give to my friend who just bought a house and is looking for additional cameras. They will be free to him, and he already has the wyze home monitoring setup.

And …the new V3 PTZ…is whati replaced my old V1,V2 PTZ and i bought 4 OG Telephoto, and 6 OG and added them to my cam + all of our old cams we gave to the church and have them on our account to manage and maintain since the church people are all in thete 80+ and have no clue.

Based on the forum comments I have not purchased Wyze Cam Pan Zoom v3 devices. Told to wait until some of the bugs are worked out, or wait until there is a v4 device. But that is just ONE device out of their extensive line-up of camera devices.

Mine doesn’t work so good anymore.

Dod you try closing your blinds when the sun is shining in? This can happen when there is light coming towards the (any) camera. The camera will adjust for the light and then whats in the shadows, or in front of the light, can darken and give you blotchy colors. I’m not saying this is what’s happening here, but it does look like it to me.

It doesn’t happen to any of my other cameras when the sun is shining in the window.

Aww OK. Is it still under warranty?

Try changing Night Vision Mode from Auto or On to Off to see if it clears up.

I had 1 V3 that the colors got all wacky, it was 15 months old, then it would not power back on,so i ordered 1 from wyze on Amazon and did my replacement there since its still wyze.

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I am happy with my Wze cams.

Do I want more features? absolutely … I have voted for many and added many…

Having said that I also wanted more features for Nestcams, even when they were Dropcams and actually adding more capabilities in a regular baisis.

What I would like from Wyze is focus … (on Cams, sensors, lights, integration, automation) … that we can see.

Again, yes, I am happy with my Wyze cams.

In my years as customer of Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, Apple, Esri, Cisco, …, …, …, … what I liked was their sharing of roadmaps… things changed sometimes, but at least we knew their intent.


I am content.

I wouldn’t say happy.

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image Steve! Happy 4th! :fireworks:

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Peep, Happy 4th to you as well.

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I had Nestcams and now I also have Wyze cams. Both have their good points. I recently read a review of the indoor Wyzecam that referenced a number of good points of the Wyze Cam Pro 3.

Both cams have their good points and both have areas that I would like to see improvements. My Nestcams miss 100s of events daily and also do cover 100s as well.

One of the things that I like that Wyze provides is a number of forums including this one for us to provide feedback and get input.

Google Nest, a multi-$Billion company, could definitely do this better.

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A nice comparative capsule review of Wyze models by power user @SlabSlayer in late 2023.

And some good advice, imo.

There are other power users and opinions, of course, but I was impressed with the punch of these clips and wanted to give them greater exposure.