Introducing Wyze Cam Pan


Some spec questions/feedback:


“18 Steps of Gray Enhanced Night Vision”

  • how does this compare with V2? I’ve not seen its grayscale specified anywhere.

“Wyze Cam Pan gives you 360o coverage in under 3 seconds” “110°/sec Rotation Speed”

  • Um, you might want to fix your specs, or teach your marketing folks arithmetic skills. 360/110 = 3.2727… 3.27 seconds is not “under 3 seconds”, it is “just over 3 seconds” or “under 3.5 seconds”.


mkmd12 said:
> “Wyze Cam Pan gives you 360o coverage in under 3 seconds” “110°/sec Rotation Speed”

> – Um, you might want to fix your specs, or teach your marketing folks arithmetic skills. 360/110 = 3.2727… 3.27 seconds is not “under 3 seconds”, it is “just over 3 seconds” or “under 3.5 seconds”.

Um, no. 360 degrees of coverage in 3 seconds does not mean 360 degrees of rotation in 3 seconds. From any given point, you can get to any other given point with no more than 180 degrees of rotation - easily within 3 seconds at 110 degrees of rotation per second.

The basic interface will be the same, with the major visual difference being a controller for the camera in the area that is blank below the normal V2 camera controls in live feed.

The camera can be controlled a number of ways:

  • Manually using the above mentioned controller
  • Manually swiping on the live feed itself
  • Pan Scan (4 user defined points the camera will travel to and wait for 10 seconds before moving on)
  • Motion Tracking (follows motion in the live feed)
It is worth noting that if you have Pan Scan and Motion Tracking turned off, the camera will only move when manually told to.


The camera does have a 8x digital zoom that can be used while on Live Feed.


Thanks for the questions!


Well, I think your logic is a bit off here. The camera can’t always take the shortest rotation path. It can rotate 360 degrees but it can’t actually cross around at the back, thus can’t keep rotating indefinitely. So if its 10 degrees from one end and you want to get to 10 degrees from the other, it can’t rotate 20 degrees, it has to rotate 340 to get there because it can’t go through the “end” (straight backward). So your assertion it never has to go more than 180 isn’t quite correct.

That said, you did jog my thinking. If you are talking image coverage, you can include the 120-degree width of the camera. With that you only need to pan 240 degrees to get a full 360 degree view of a room. At 110 degrees/sec that’s only 2.2 seconds. So maybe that’s their logic here. (i.e.: the camera can see straight backwards when aimed 60-degrees short of that direction on either side, it never has to actually aim straight back.)

I’m still wondering how the night vision specs compare.

Hi all - for the spec “360-degree coverage in under 3 seconds”, mkmd12 is correct, we included what’s viewable in the camera’s 120-degree field of view. So it’s not a straight calculation of 360/11o-degrees per second. I had the same question when I saw that spec.

As far as the night vision specs, I don’t have an answer off the top of my head but I put the question in to the product team. It’s a busy day around here so it’s taking a little longer than usual to hear back, but I will update as soon as I hear back. Thanks for your patience!




Is the power cord connected to base or to the camera? Can the cord get stuck while rotating the camera?

The power cord is connected to the base, so it doesn’t rotate when the camera rotates.

Can we daisy chain Wyze Cam Pan ?

Got my shipping notice this morning!

When I looked at my E-Mail this morning, I was pleased to see my shipping notice from WyzeLabs for my two Pan cameras. UPS is estimating delivery next Wednesday. Woohoo!

Well, I emailed support on May 30th. Not heard anything back…


With the new product release, they are likely swamped. Note that there are many places where a fixed camera is just fine and in fact a pan camera would be nothing more than a waste of $10. For example, in this photo, tell me what a pan camera would accomplish that a fixed camera can’t.
Yes, my garage is a mess. I’m in the middle of a project and there is a bunch of stuff all over the place.


I understand your point, but it is the improved speaker I am after.


Apologies for the delay! It’s been a busy couple of days for us. I tracked down your return request, you should get a reply from our team shortly. Thanks again for your patience and we look forward to hearing what you think of the Wyze Cam Pan when you get it. Definitely let us know if the speaker is what you were looking for.


No magnetic base.