Forum Operations Feedback Thread

I’m not quite sure where I’d stick a question about the router…maybe Home? There actually is an app category:

(I see that @Omgitstony already got an answer in, but I’m going to keep going.)

I’ve been frustrated by that, too, especially the tags. There have been times when I’ve created a post, entered what I thought were appropriate tags, and then hit the :heavy_plus_sign: Create Topic button…only to have the Forum tell me that the tags I chose aren’t allowed for that category.


One thing that helps me with the tags is scrolling through the list of tags before I post and/or having that open in a separate browser tab as a reference to help me organize my thoughts:

I know @carverofchoice recently suggested adding a new tag in another topic, and I think the fact that they have this topic soliciting feedback means they’re willing to make some changes if they seem reasonable and practical.

Just to build on that, I’ve seen posts that were miscategorized and/or mis-tagged (or not tagged at all), and one of the problems with that is that the person who posted is unlikely to get the assistance that he or she is seeking in that situation because the issue being reported or question being asked is in the “wrong” place where others aren’t looking for it. That’s one area where I’ve started using the flagging feature, to let Moderators know so they can recategorize/tag a topic so that hopefully the post gets better visibility and attracts some discussion.