Fast Forward/Rewind (and other scrubbing alternatives) In SD Card Playback

I have done it by loading the video in windows media player.

Remove the SD card and put it in your computer for better playback. Many Wyze customers want a scroll feature. Trying to find a happening using the wyze built in feature is pretty tough.

| PanCamJeff
December 13 |

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I’m so glad I took the “wait and see” approach before purchasing more Wyze items. I though the SD card/local storage would be right in my wheelhouse for a simple, cost effective, and passive system that I could access as needed, Seems that the constant request for better playback functionality from a multitude of Wyze customers continue to fall on deaf ear

New and improved functionality is always desired, but when you purchase a product as it is you are getting exactly what you’re buying.


Probably not enough money in it as monthly subscriptions seem to be taking over as business models all over and that seems to be where Wyze wants to force people.

New features and improvements cost money to program. After paying for the basic cost of the product, where is the money supposed to come from to pay for improvements?


I DON’T need vehicle detection, I DON’T need facial recognition.

Well, some people wanted that, and it was implemented in the paid service.


I guess I’ll be herded along with the masses to a subscription service, but it won’t be with Wyze.

The grass is always greener somewhere else. Until it’s not.

Not exactly a viable option for cameras that are mounted outside 15 feet up in the air. It might be fine for the front doorbell but that would still be an aggravation to have to remove it every single day to scroll through the entire day’s events. I’ll just have to accept that I’ll need to forgo a “smart” doorbell or keep paying the high cost to Google.


Kuna check it out. I gave up on Wyze years ago because they don’t care.

Sent from my mobile device. Please excuse the brevity, spelling, and punctuation.

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It seems simple to add a 3 second skip that runs continuously until stopped, the same as pressing the 30 second skip manually quickly.

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Good points. Technology wyze, were just not there yet. Somebody will solve this issue, hopefully. The 30 second skip doesn’t cut it, you can miss an event entirely.


I’m hip to this already thanks. I still would like a fast forward rewind option for the SD card so when I need to record the entire motion right before someone comes into my cameras view, it would be much easier if there was a fast forward rewind option instead of having to use my finger to find the timeframe it’s buggy doing it that way and gets real annoying each time it skips back and forth to the wrong time while slide my finger up and down. I use an iPhone 13 promax It shouldn’t be buggy when using the SD CARD finger slider thingy option…

When will there be an option to watch playback at ultra-high speed from the App.
Currently having to remove the SD-Card and streaming each cam independently from card on PC with 3rd party software is a real chore as not all cameras are placed for easy access - making this impossible when logging in remotely going through 12-14hours of footage on 8 different cameras.


Any idea when this will happen? There are times I would like to search footage and say, forget it, to much trouble. D.


Reolink offers fast forwarding . Don’t know why Wyze still doesn’t.

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I’m sad, I love Wyze but this feature request is over 3 years old. Still only the exact same skip ahead 30s and miss what it was you wanted to see. I even pay for CamPlus to help Wyze have money that I expect them to spend on enhancing their product. Come on, Wyze team, let’s get 'er done :slight_smile:

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Please do this. I cant belive its been 5 years and this playback speed hasnt been added. C’mon!

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For those that are frustrated with the WYZE viewing system of their events you may want to consider “BLUE IRUS”. Ideally it would be best run on a dedicated system but with the memory that is available on today’s computers it could be run on your existing computer. It has excellent viewing of events at literally any speed that you want to view. It has an excellent system of viewing individual events by going to the next or previous event. They will cover over 60 cameras.
If you are tired of waiting for WYZE to improve their system I would recommend that you should check this one out. You would need to get different cameras at about double the cost but you can decide whether eliminating the frustration level is worth making the change.


This software is only $79! Are you sure it won’t work with Wyze cams? I’m certainly tired of waiting for them to make this easy addition for scrubbing ! I’ve been asking for years now.



Yes WYZE cameras will not work. I was gifted 3 ReoLink cameras. I find that this system isn’t triggered by more distant movement so it eliminates multiple events that you don’t want or need. I love the system of viewing that they provide

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Are you paying for a subscription to be able to scrub? I have nest and the subscription is too expensive. It’s also higher now than when I first subscribed so not renewing for next year. I have until August to find a suitable replacement. Nest doesn’t give scrubbing unless you pay for a subscription

Still a maybe-later?

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Yes, this is still in the maybe-later area. My understanding is the way the current videos are saved is what makes this difficult.

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Can you at least ask them to look at this idea?

Add a 3 second skip that runs continuously until stopped, the same as pressing the 30 second skip manually quickly.

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