Different levels of "reset"

I agree. If the device is stationary use the closest connection point.

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Wow @carverofchoice that’s a nice troubleshooting guide. Thanks @peepeep for linking it!

I think one of these days Wyze should create a decision tree with a bunch of questions (i.e. Does this happen to all cameras? Did this work before?) so one can know what to do. It can be their first-line Support.



Yep, and Wyze Mesh Router owners may be clamoring for a setting to achieve it.

Sometimes observant customers are best qualified to determine the best setting. :slight_smile:

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And this, someone should do this, too!

@WyzeMatt may even give cash prizes for the one best-realized! :wink:


Our new AI shopping assistant is actually not terrible at answering some of these questions.


Hey Matt

Cool! Just go to a product page on the Wyze shopping site and ask it what and how? Can you give an explicit ‘for instance’ when you have a moment? :slight_smile:

(Or maybe @IL1 will try it. They’re intrepid on that front. :man_superhero: :woman_superhero: )

I didn’t see one at first glance. Any chance of linking it here?

Yeah, I thought about that too. I used to go to dpreview.com to check out lens reviews and they had a pretty nice set of benchmark tests for all the lenses. Maybe you can start a new topic on what kind of tests one should include for security camera comparison. Hopefully someday someone will run with it.

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Miracle has happened for me.

9 cams all working in google home.

I did all of your steps many times at different intervals. The last cam just started working today all of a sudden after not messing with it for a week or two lol.



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I just noticed this new “Reset Services” button under all my cameras settings page, right under the “Restart Camera” button. Has anyone used it? Any idea what it would resolve? It seems to be a lite version of “Restart Camera”.

This is all I could find on Wyze. Seems it’s only for CamPlus Unlimited users.

I tested it out just to see what it did, I was no having any issues. Tap the little information (i). It is for cloud recording service and AI.

Hmm… I’m wondering what this actually does too.

I have 5 doorbell cams (One v2 and Four v1s). I noticed recently that three of the four v1s act like they don’t have a Cam Plus subscription and will only record 12s clips and in the app I occasionally get a banner stating that I should subscribe the camera to get full-length clips and avoid the 5-min cooldown.

The thing is, I have Cam Unlimited and all of my cameras are subscribed as verified in the Services settings on the website. I chatted with support about this issue and even asked them about the Reset Services option. They said this is what it does:


That does NOT sound like the description shown in the app and I’m somewhat fearful to try it as the doorbell cams are 1700 miles away and if they get screwed up, it’s not simple for me to power cycle or reset them.

It’s present on my camera settings screens in the app for me, and I’m not a subscriber. The one potential benefit I could see is displayed in the screenshot that @Antonius shared:

Ensure accurate…notification settings

Tapping it hasn’t yet resolved any issues for me, but it also hasn’t apparently broken anything, either. :man_shrugging:

Oh that’s good to know. I think I’ll try this when Wyze decides my smoker is a Person again and see if it helps.

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