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Heh. Thanks! :grin:

I also prefer the Dark Theme.

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Everyone except Wyze prefers the Dark Theme :rofl:


Touché. :smiling_imp:

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I’m not feeling super cynical today. Maybe I’m coming down with something. :face_with_thermometer:

I choose not to be conflicted about it. For now. :slight_smile:


Another day another update. :wink:

Are those platelets?

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Nah, the graphic depicts erythrocytes (RBCs). You can tell by the shape, and they’re significantly larger than platelets, even when the platelets are clumped. I did donate platelets today, though.

You don’t want any of my :drop_of_blood:. It has Rat poison in it (Warfarin/ now Apixaban (Eliquis) Of course it would make it easier to pour into your chalice. :rofl:

I have no :trophy:. I’m not a :vampire:! I know that apixaban is on the list, though. I read it every time I do my RapidPass.

What this?

…and (separately) where @AnnWithAPlan ? No one gave her permission to be gone so long. :slight_smile:


Correction: who’s this?

Howie Mandel

Aww, sorry. I’m still visiting with my 97 yr old mother in Calif, making sure she gets her meals amd such whil noone else is here. And knitting and crocheting gifts for family and friends.
But I read some of the posts whem they come thru the email.


It’s a Giant Microbes Platelet. I just wanted to keep it somewhat relevant while continuing to mix it up.

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Why does the hamburger helper hand only have four fingers? I was always curious? AI failure?

This may sled a little bit of light.

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I don’t know, but the Howie Mandel reference made me think of that character, and, because of Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm, Ted Danson now makes me think of Larry David. :man_shrugging:

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Good to see you, Ann! :slight_smile:

Interesting site! :grin:

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