Congratulations, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Forum Badges Awarded, Achievements, Celebrations, etc 🎉

Ah ok. Like that would really happen. My ancestors are from there. Came over on the boat from France in the early 1600s.

I think he would have more luck getting Greenland. :smile:

That’s my brothers house in New York, I live in California. He has the device display in a room with no heat, The rest of the house is warm. I checked it out when I was there in April 2024


Very good. My garage is like that. No heat, no air conditioning.

@TomG Congratulations for surviving 5 Years of the WYZE Circus :laughing: :tada:


For real I just saw the icon Happy 5 Year Forumversary @TomG !!!

Did you just wake up from a Van Winkle nap? :rofl:
some of the family you should know about, there are more.

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Happy forumversary @TomG !!


:blush: @TomG

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Hope all is well with you and your Mom, wet here. @TomG is probably playing with his Blue Birds or trying to keep the other freeloaders out of his feeder. :laughing:

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Still working on my Jameson 18 year. But always on the hunt.

I did see a 1.75 Buffalo Trace at Sam’s club the other night. First time I’ve seen a big boy in that flavor.

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All is well with my mom. She’s hoping to live to at least 100. Just another 3 yrs.
One of my sisters brought over a box of yarn and asked me to knit some baby gifts. Then asked for fingerless gloves, then asked for a cowel for her neck. Made another hat for brother-in-law, and asked a 3rd one, which I’m working on. Haha, then anither sister’s friend asked for the gloves for her amd her mother. So, I stay busy.
I only brought just enough yarn to make myself some socks. I should’ve known better haha.


Happy Forum Anniversary, @TomG! I’ve been enjoying the :bird: videos and commentary, and I hope the implants are workin’ out well!

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Happy Forumversary @TomG!

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That’s so cool :sunglasses:

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What is?

Also, welcome to the Forum, @Ratchet_Snow! :wave:


being able to earn badges. Lol. I look forward to earning a few myself!! :disguised_face:


Ah, right on. I’d probably start with the discobot tutorials (you can earn badges for those, and they’re quick and helpful if you’re new to Discourse), and there are a few topics you can search for that are related specifically to badges and stickers. :grin:

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Your dumpster fire looks nice in dark mode. Looks like you put it on ‘sim(mer).’

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