Ah ok. Like that would really happen. My ancestors are from there. Came over on the boat from France in the early 1600s.
I think he would have more luck getting Greenland.
That’s my brothers house in New York, I live in California. He has the device display in a room with no heat, The rest of the house is warm. I checked it out when I was there in April 2024
Very good. My garage is like that. No heat, no air conditioning.
@TomG Congratulations for surviving 5 Years of the WYZE Circus
For real I just saw the icon Happy 5 Year Forumversary @TomG !!!
Did you just wake up from a Van Winkle nap?
some of the family you should know about, there are more.
Happy forumversary @TomG !!
Hope all is well with you and your Mom, wet here. @TomG is probably playing with his Blue Birds or trying to keep the other freeloaders out of his feeder.
Still working on my Jameson 18 year. But always on the hunt.
I did see a 1.75 Buffalo Trace at Sam’s club the other night. First time I’ve seen a big boy in that flavor.
All is well with my mom. She’s hoping to live to at least 100. Just another 3 yrs.
One of my sisters brought over a box of yarn and asked me to knit some baby gifts. Then asked for fingerless gloves, then asked for a cowel for her neck. Made another hat for brother-in-law, and asked a 3rd one, which I’m working on. Haha, then anither sister’s friend asked for the gloves for her amd her mother. So, I stay busy.
I only brought just enough yarn to make myself some socks. I should’ve known better haha.
Happy Forum Anniversary, @TomG! I’ve been enjoying the videos and commentary, and I hope the implants are workin’ out well!
Happy Forumversary @TomG!
That’s so cool
What is?
Also, welcome to the Forum, @Ratchet_Snow!
being able to earn badges. Lol. I look forward to earning a few myself!!
Ah, right on. I’d probably start with the discobot tutorials (you can earn badges for those, and they’re quick and helpful if you’re new to Discourse), and there are a few topics you can search for that are related specifically to badges and stickers.
Your dumpster fire looks nice in dark mode. Looks like you put it on ‘sim(mer).’