Congratulations, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Forum Badges Awarded, Achievements, Celebrations, etc 🎉

That’s awesome. I’m glad you got to experience that. :upside_down_face:


I was born in 57. I wasn’t raised in that religion, but I spent a number of years in it and got out about 8 yrs ago myself. Glad for your son.


Happy birthday @K6CCC & @TomG and happy forumversary @K6CCC !

Sorry @Antonius but I think MFP will be happier with you. He gets much more worldwide exposure.

@R.Good sure made a Carverofchoice sized post today! :joy_cat: Did you actually write that all yourself?!? I thought it might have been AI outsourced at first, but couldn’t be sure so I ran snippets through 2 AI detectors and they tell me it’s human written! Was that all you?! Or a hybrid that messed with the AI watermarks? I wonder what place this takes in your longest posts rankings :joy_cat:


Happy forumaversary to @carverofchoice and @K6CCC ! Happy birthday @TomG !

Go team! :beers:

Happy Birthday @TomG :birthday:

Hope you had a great day.

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Happy Forumversary @K6CCC , looks like 6 years has passed. Wow, impressive. Glad to see you are still hanging around the forums

Cheers :beers:

Wow! @K6CCC is an OG around here! Joined up right around when it started.

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Yep. Fairly early on. My first camera was activated on 2 May 2018. A model V2 that is still working. OK, not a very exciting picture most of the time. It’s there to show the off season storage of my two matrix display panels for my Christmas light show. There are times that I do off-season testing with them - sometimes remotely, hence the reason for the camera there. And a bunch of junk…



Yes, I wanted to celebrate your versary with a carver sized post. I may have had some help.

All for you buddy



Are they all fired Google employees? :laughing:

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Do they write for CNET and The Verge? :smirk:

The Onion.

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Zats not funny

Are you saying that The Onion is a satirical catirical publication?


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@carverofchoice -Yes he loves the free water. MFP has been wandering around here for the last 15 min and it is not even his arrival time. To bad for him he was lazy last night because this pretty “CAT” ate one chicken bone and hid the other two for future use. :rofl:


Happy Forum Anniversary to one of our OG Forum Volunteer Mavens: @Newshound !!! :tada:

Thanks for all you do here buddy, and particularly thanks for all the help you’ve personally given me over the last week or 2 and let me bounce my thoughts off of you for recent my projects. I GREATLY appreciate it so much!!! I have long respected your thoughts and insights and everything you do in public and behind the scenes to help everyone and make Wyze better!!


Right on! :fist: I’ve especially enjoyed @Newshound’s recent aurora photography.


6!!! Daaaangg happy forumaversary @Newshound !!!