Change WiFi Network Name (SSID) and password without device reset

I just saw this article and was interested but couldn’t get the link to work. A search turned this up- looks like it may have been updated. Just a general FYI. Great info! Off to Amazon!

Thanks @tomp. A major revamp of the support site broke lots of older links. Thanks for catching this one. I’ve updated the link in my original post.

Here is a problem:

I have two routers, one for each floor. I put the same SSID for the 2.4Ghz bands of both routers, so I can just move devices without changing the access point they connect to. Some of the Wyze devices connect to the weaker router AP (wrong floor). This makes the device lose connection, A LOT. Are there any plans on making the wifi connection smarter? It’s 2020,

I figured, well, I guess I can just create specific SSID and MANUALLY connect a Wyze device to a specific AP. Alas, Wyze still does not allow changing SSID in-app. I would seriously need to once again set them all up? I mean, Connection failures are still very common, and those minutes it takes setting them up really adds up.

Seriously… this is a pain. (Now, imagine having a bigger house with more AP’s…)

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For the difficulty with cameras connecting to the weaker access point, please contact Wyze and make a Support Request.


Hi! I ve just bought My First Wyze Camera, the Pan model, to watch My little baby. And the wifi connection is the Worst I ve ever seen. I Will use only one camera to My baby, and as I travel a lot, I Will always been connected to many differents wifi. Its really terrible to need to setup all it over again, share all it over again to My wifi and set it all it over again. Should be easier to use the same device with differents wifi connections. I brought it to Brazil, and it sucks, unfortunatelly. First of all, while I am at Setup screen, doesn’t appear the wifi options near me. Second, this worst thing about NEED DO SET AS NEW CAMERA ON WICH WIFI CONNECTION I VE BEEN USING. CANT YOU SOLVE THAT ? This way it’s working, worth nothing to me, I am very sad about it. Basic stuff, doesnt works.

There is a solution for this travel situation, but it does require acquiring a separate gadget:

If you are trying to connect your Wyze Cam to a public wifi network that has a landing or login portal page, you will not be able to connect because the camera has no screen or keyboard with which to respond to the portal page. To solve this, you can use a travel router as an intermediary device that will connect to your unsecured home network and bridge that over to a secure network accessible by the Wyze Cams. Complete instructions for that are here:


I have my camera mounted outside on my house. I recently changed internet provider and had to reinstall all my devices, the camera outside required a ladder and some tools. It would be nice to setup the cam from the ground, without having to press the button on the bottom.


Yes please change this. This request is a necessity, not just a nice to have feature or enhancement. It is the one thing I dislike about these cameras (and bad sound) . Thx

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Yes please, such a pain to get the ladder out and unscrew the camera from its casing just to change the WiFi settings. Would be amazing if it could be done through the app and I see no reason why it can’t be


I am in the same boat and need to update my password for wifi. That said, how do the rules behave after the camera is deleted and re added ? Do we have to redo all the rules? Assuming re-adding the same camera to the app requires deletion of old instance ? (Automation rules) - do they key against the camera name?

From what I remember, if you give the camera the same name then the settings related to that name are still there.


Yes, in fact it should recognize the camera by MAC address and link it to your profile just as it was before.

IMPORTANT: Do not delete the camera in the app before you start the new setup procedure.


Angus is correct I just tried it - settings are retained even if you delete the camera as long as you give it the same name when you re-add it


Good to know. I think that’s a change from the past. In any case, the safest thing to do is not delete the camera before re-setup.


the whole point of having an APP is to be able to CONTROL the devices that are connected to the app. I have bulbs that are installed in the ceiling with no easy way to turn them on/off. I want to be able to change the WIFI password without doing the 3 switch on/off game. please update the app to allow us to connect without having to reset the bulbs. I just want to open the app, select the bulb and punch in a new password.

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Just a suggestion/recommendation for future advancement to maybe allow the Wi-Fi updates to be able to occur using the app and maybe providing the QR code as a separate card within the box so as to avoid doing all these additional steps when a Wi-Fi is changed. Many households do update routers and there are multiple Wi-Fi options in homes now. Maybe just adding the setup button to the app in addition to on the physical camera to allow for updating Wi-Fi rather than going through uninstalling the camera and going through the initial process. Will save a lot of time and headache.

At this time there isn’t a way to switch the WiFi information in the app alone. We have a Wishlist section of our forums where you can submit feature requests like this directly to our product team.

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I have some Shelly devices. If you haven’t seen them you should look them up. However a cool feature of them is they have in their settings a primary and secondary network.

so say you just wanted to change the name of your network. you could go into your devices and add the new name as the secondary. Then you could change the name on your router. Everything would stay connected. Then you could set that to your primary. Or even just leave it as the secondary.

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I cannot change my wifi ssid and password every period of time because i have 10 cam v2 7 of them i need ladder to get to physically change it. It would be nice being able to change all devices wifi i the app.

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Yeah, that would definitely be nice. I take cams when I go out of town/on vacation, to hotels/my vacation houses. It would be nice to be able to switch wifi, for an individual camera, without having to delete it/completely reconfigure it.

It is nice, that my home cams, still work, and theres an ability to add cameras, to different wifi accounts, but having to re-configure them, is a little annoying/with it being such an easy fix, no need not to add the ability to change wifi connection, without reconfiguring the whole camera.


Not really optimal unless that list can allow individual control of whether of not the device tries to hop to another SSID and if all active under what circumstances a switch takes place. It is more complicated than meets the casual glance. However, the requirement of rebuilding from scratch to change networks is thoughtless and cumbersome. RING does this much better.To be activated/deactivated. Some of us operate in multiple SSID environments and if cam or other hops from pla SziD to SSID and has to rebuild route tables it opens up gaps in recording. Needs thought and tuning capabilit