Can Wyze Cam capture its own theft?

Thanks, tom123. Here’s a good thread for those looking for some background on MaxDrive (I’d missed it):

From a CES vlog video Loki linked there:

All right, the other big thing that is different than what I originally thought and told you guys is - this is going to be a backup only. And right now, as of this recording (1/30/19) Wyze can only backup from the SD card.

You still have to have microSD cards in every single one of your cameras, and what it does is it will backup from those SD cards to the MaxDrive.

You know, in the future they want to be able to change that to where you can record straight to that single hard drive in the MaxDrive from multiple cameras.

Now, they have tested this up to ten cameras and they have not had any issues, and they have already said that there is not a limit on how many cameras you can backup to your MaxDrive.

Is my impression that the SD card is a weak link (instability requiring physical maintenance: reinstallation, rebooting, etc; card corruption and/or bricking) mistaken?

Maybe the percentage of customers experiencing SD trouble is lower than it appears (if one is judging by the high volume of posts on that topic in this forum.)