Camera moved by neighbour

I would consider looking into those plastic thermostat housings used to keep kids from messing around with the settings. I’m pretty sure you can find one on the cheap at one of the big box hardware stores. As for putting it out of reach of spray paint, maybe you can record the last video of him damaging your property and get some traction there with the authorities. Good luck, ~ Doug

Thats a goodun ! Ill have to use that sometime ,somewhere soon Im sure

Well, that would be destruction of private property and could result in an arrest. :grin:

@dougp01 Thanks for suggesting, I suppose he can pull it off though unless it’s some how hung over the top of the door.
Never heard of those, can’t find it on Google.

@PalmSprings yeah maybe I did snap and misinterpret your ‘don’t push it’ wrongly

Thanks for everyone’s thoughts and well wishes. Today the Council did not reply to my CPN appeal (where they fine for ASB behaviour), but they did say that they have decided he will be getting a CPN for the door being open. He will not be getting any action on the other things such as dog fouling as no one can prove it is his dog, besides the one photo proving it is his dog, and besides evidence the dog is left alone every day unattended. They are now asking for me to write down start and stop times the dog wonders from the hallway alone into the garden. I have to sit and look at the wyze cam all day, it seems to get times and video evidence. I’m one person! And of course on the other side I have the housing association saying I’m not even allowed a camera.
They aren’t going to put up CCTV and they are not going to of course test the poop for DNA evidence it is his dog. Since I can’t put CCTV in the garden, but I’m told I need to supply more evidence it is him. How can I get more evidence, it’s not possible! The camera I have can’t film the garden, only the hallway.
There are children living here, if one of them goes blind because they did not investigate whose dog poop it is out there every day, who is to blame? Not that is likely to happen, but they are not investigating because the onus is on me to prove every poop is his dog. I have to do all the leg work and they know I have sent hundreds of pictures of dog poop every day and my health is suffering because I want to sit outside, but it’s not enough to investigate themselves. The only way they can do that is put up CCTV or do a DNA test, neither will happen.

On the subject of the CPN given for the door being open, they have had evidence of this since March, if not before. The housing association on the other hand have had it nearly 2 years. So why is it now being said in the email to me today “we now have enough evidence of the door being open for the CPN”. Knowing full well they had the same evidence when they decided not to give it in May. Now there’s enough evidence!?
Well, here’s why, because I have been in touch with the fire brigade of late, the insurance, the housing associations fire risk assessors, and a local councillor saying to them he doesn’t know why they are not acting on this fire risk… Could any of those be the reason :person_shrugging: …that’s sarcasm, of course it’s because I have gone to great lengths to get reports, they wouldn’t of cared otherwise, they changed their mind didn’t they siting now enough evidence!

And of course this is a health and safety risk, which means the reason it’s being acted on is because they get in trouble if someone was to die, I told them this too maybe 3 times in the last 2 weeks. So again, another reason for them to listen.

The sad TRUTH is, as I keep saying this man is really making/and made my health suffer. And the thing that authorities act on is health and safety and rules, and not on the sheer amount of evidence, common sense, and wellbeing of a resident and feeling happy in your home and being able to use the facilities.
As someone who is disabled and has mental and emotional difficulty, I find this really frustrating and difficult. No matter how much you point out it is distressing, they only take action when they are liable. I told them a million times about his smoke going into my flat and the distress it caused and their react was they said they can’t act because they have visited a handful of times and can’t smell it (knowing he smokes heavily on the early hours), yet the minute the fire risk obligations are bought to attention, they care.

And…on leaving the door open, whilst it’s good he is getting a CPN for this, I still feel powerless and overwhelmed.
I don’t know how long it will last (it expires).
I don’t know if they will actually fine him, properly, or relax things and just do it if the mood takes them because I am reporting it happening loads, months on.
I am highly aware I still can’t relax by taking ongoing evidence either.

If he is to get a fine for doing it, and they are not putting up CCTV, I have to continue to send in daily evidence! They rely solely on me to sanction him. Then they will still want start and stop times and photos. Absolute joke because everything is again put onto me to spend my time doing day and night when I’m ill and spend every day thinking about it because I’m still sending in evidence. After 2 years of evidence, he will finally properly be told to stop leaving his door open, but I am the one who has to monitor and report it, still.

Though hopefully it will stop once he gets fined and I won’t have to do it again. That is if they fine him.

There’s that suspiciousness I have that I send all this evidence in regularly, when I should be comfortable knowing it is being dealt with suffiently with a fine, actually I don’t know if he is getting fined properly. I can’t control how they give out the fines, so I just have to deal. So far, I have no trust the council take the issue seriously, so why would they carry out their duties to fine him properly every time.

I have to just get on with it and just say to myself be positive, at least one part has been recognised by the council. Now I’m fighting with them to say it is his dog fouling, so I can use the garden…maybe, hopefully, by next summer I can sit outside. I have no hope this will ever be resolved because they are just not using their common sense and looking at the volume of evidence to say it is his dog. Other neighbours have complained it is his dog too, before I moved here and after moved here other people have complained, but even that is not enough,

A lawyer would cost a lot of money for what seems pointless because the only route is this CPN. A lawyer’s letter threatening him court would not work because he had two attempts for notice to court to remove his dog, and deadlines to remove his dog by, from the housing association, but he persisted. He loves his dog but he persisted every day, because he doesn’t care about threats.

I can’t meet their strict criteria without them putting CCTV in that garden.

Thanks for everyones responses. Does anyone know how to close replies to this topic now. I think it’s come to it’s natural end.

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I just flagged it for you.

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It’s a thermostat cover. Something like this, weblink. The only thing is I don’t know if the depth of the box is enough for your camera. It may take some checking in the store to figure that out. Oh, and I’m not necessarily loyal to Home Depot, I’m certain you can find this sort of thing at many home centers. ~Doug

MOD NOTE: This topic has been closed by request of OP.