Cam v3 A local camera with sd cards and no ISP, please

My info held hostage…sort of. Honest, not selling data? I want to get rid of ISP, (all), and just have a local system for cameras. I will wait a little while and if not, I will dump WYZE. Which I am guessing what will happen. I like the older app better. I like cam v3. V4 sux. Just tired of the constant updates, all the different software and companies updating. Updating. Updatinh. Updating like a software shootout where some features die. Plus a “man in the middle” isp making life tough. This just all sux.
And now the AI garbage. Ai, who cares?

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Try Amcrest. You can have everything local: SD card, NVR. Nothing goes to the internet unless you want alerts.


Wyze is not designed for what you want. It is a cloud camera that requires internet to work correctly. Same for Blink, Ring, TP Link, and many others out there.

As @WildBill said, look into “closed circuit” systems with an NVR.

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Amcrest cameras can be standalone with SD card…no NVR required. They can also do person detection on the camera.

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Sounds like a good idea but, I use my phone to view my cams in the house, across town or overseas. A closed-circuit may be nice but cheap technology snuffs that idea out for me. I just don’t film stuff that is sensitive.

Of course, needs and opinions vary.

You can set up remote viewing for most of the modern closed circuit systems, but typically need port forwarding and a dynamic DNS service. Setting up a VPN server to access the home network remotely rather than exposing the system directly to the internet is probably a better idea.

But they’re overkill for my needs, sounds like same for you.


OP asked about no ISP. My answer was to that question. Your needs are different.

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Sounds good. I am a 24/7 caregiver. Sometimes I just need to see around house or what happened.

With limited skills here, is “dynamic DNS” the same as static ip’s?

I really appreciate it. The cam v4 sd card playback really sux compared to cam v3 and has finally motivated me to make changes I’ve been wanting to do. I am lookimg forward to them now. I really liked sd viewplayback on cam v3. So simple and is actually true. V4 is horrible. Like the new wyze app.

No if you have a static IP you don’t need dynamic DNS. You can either just use the IP or register a domain name and assign the static IP to that.

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