
This is pure sensation, empty calories. Pretty at night, though, and LOUD. :slight_smile:

12:01 New Years Day


I maybe “buried the lede” in comment two :slight_smile:


The still frames are more dramatic:




5% regular speed (thorazine filter)…

…and yes, we live in a parking lot. :astonished:


Here’s a better boom, with Stupid Human Tricks
(no FX funny business, either.)


Although the poster may have made the youtube-hosted video private since I last looked…

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I saw that before he made it private… play stupid games win stupid prizes. :rofl:

You must be bored tonight… here… look at my Zippo a few times. :grinning:


Nice! Now I’m all tracked and :poop:. Slick lighter display, though. Almost worth it. :wink:

The noose is tightening seapup, 4pm curfew here today, help me seapup help me, make it all go away… :flushed:

Nonstop helicopter noise, sirens and gunfire over here. I’m outside grilling steaks and some retard is shooting mortars off in the park. Come on over and enjoy the wacky mayhem. :upside_down_face:



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All is quiet now on the homefront… so quiet I can hear the frogs peepeeping down by the creek.

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Oh, you have a creek, nice! We have a waterfront with no waves. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The ocean seems a little embarrassed. Like Sir Paul without Wings.


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Another crazy evening over here… it’s like the Do Lung Bridge scene from Apocalypse Now outside. And the frogs are peeping like it’s just another night. We need a good torrential downpour. :thinking:


Waves from the sky…

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:copyright: 2020 Cracked Pot Poetry

Walking through the park today, three folks were gathered around a black SUV, two I could only hear and the other I saw for just a moment as I passed. He was turned away from the sound of the others, looking down.

The first voice said, “You angry bird, you angry bird. There you go. Comin’ at me with those words. You angry bird.”

The second voice was a kind of low professional drone, couldn’t make out what it was saying, but it was inflecting a little feeling and seemed to be explaining something steadily, insistently.

The third voice was not speaking, it was a short black man in a baseball cap and an oversized windbreaker, black and burgundy and green. It was weathered and wizened and its face shone. It had a hand on the open SUV door and it was looking down, its body twisted away from the other two voices and it said, “here’s one more thing that will not end.”

I walked on, straight into the rising sun.


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A quick study.   :slight_smile:

How’s tricks in your neck of the woods?

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Everything is back to “normal”. :+1: Peace and quiet at night… just frogs peeppeeping, owls hooting, foxes yipping, the occasional scream of something getting eaten alive and a crazy mockingbird that mimics car alarms. :rofl:

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Man, I like your neighborhood, all those critters voicing, we used to have big birdsong serenades with every dawn now not so much the remaining sparrows seem a bit dispirited or besotted with the BAGS of seed a neighbor leaves out for them and the “welfare” pigeons.

Did you know pigeons are really smart? They hide it well, apparently. :shushing_face:

Here’s a comment from the artist’s site:

Interesting how you paint poop anywhere in your dolan comics but not for this image of a bird which is an actual small_ess_75hitter.

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Welfare pigeons! :rofl: Yep, they’re extremely smart. And messy too. I made a roosting coop for some just to see what juveniles looked like before Gore invented the Internet. Weird little, stinky, messy porcupines with wings! :slightly_smiling_face: On many remote islands and 3rd world countries, they’re advertised and served as Cornish Game Hens. :rofl: One day on an island with one little restaurant, the entree of the day was Cornish Game Hens. Since I’d been there for months and saw only humans, goats, iguanas, land crabs and a resupply ship one a month, I asked the server, “Where do you guys get Cornish Game Hens???” He pointed out the window at the pigeons pooping on the dock benches. I thought, “How bad could it be? Maybe it tastes like White-winged Dove.” I chose leftover paella from the night before. Except they “spiced it up” with land crabs. And land crabs are like trash pandas on vacation. :nauseated_face:

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Hey, thanks for that, man, fun to read, chuckling throughout… :joy:

Funny you should mention AG, he was over just the other day, kept looking at me funny. It’s said he has the mental horsepower of twenty pigeons harnessed together. Strong, but hard to get off the ground. Twenty-pigeon-team bore ass. Or was that Reagan? :wink:

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[Mod Note]: Topic closed at OP request.

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