October 13, 2024, 1:43pm
The “turn on for X time” action is currently broken on the server resulting in unpredictable behavior. Wyze is aware of this issue and working on a fix. In the meantime, if you’re looking for a temporary solution, please read the following:
I just tested your automations and you are correct. There is a bug where the “turn on for X time” value is completely unpredictable and unreliable. Sometimes turn off occurs when motion is no longer detected, sometimes it’s just a random time less than the specified time, and sometimes it actually turns off at the specified time.
Rather than debug this issue for Wyze (I don’t have time today), just do what most of us do by default… don’t specify “turn on for X time”. Just use “Turn on” and cre…
Wyze must have broken the “turn on for X” action on the server. Until Wyze fixes this, separate turn on and turn off actions. Change your current action from “Turn on for X” to “Turn on”. Create a 2nd Automation Device Trigger to cover turning off. Set trigger to your bulb (or bulb group) with “has been on for X minutes” and action to “Turn off”.
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