App to join all the recorded videos automatically from 1 folder

I created a small web app at that allows you to easily stitch the clips together.

It requires no installation, but still runs completely local with no videos being sent to the cloud. This means it’s faster than other web based tools, without having to install a sketchy program.

On my mid tier laptop it can handle 4.5 hours of footage in about 20 seconds (comparable to desktop programs)

You can drag and drop entire folders in and it will stitch all the videos inside the folders.

The only limitation right now is that it supports up to 1.8gb total, which is about 4.5 hours of continuous recording.

I am looking into raising this limit, though it may not be currently possible due to web restrictions.

YOUR Feedback

I would like to know if having 24hr+ long videos is necessary for you? What is your use case for this?

I was thinking to create another tool that lets you select the entire SD card and it will arrange the clips in a nice timeline with days on the sidebar, thumbnails, etc, and a scrubbing timeline on the bottom. Much like the events tab of the wyze webview, but using the SD card.

You could then select a time range to export a stitched mp4 (still no more than 4.5 hours).

Would this be more useful than having a few massive mp4s?

It could (potentially, no promises on anything though) use data from your wyze account to show markers where cloud events happened (like the timeline in the wyze app).

Thoughts? And feedback on the current app?