Add same device to multiple groups

Definitely agree. I wasn’t able to get this in the Wyze app, so I integrated my stuff into Home Assistant and now I do those things you mentioned with my Wyze devices through Home Assistant. But Wyze should make that kind of thing supported NATIVELY in their own app, rather than make us have to look for 3rd party workarounds. You listed a good example.


I second that!


I would really like the capability in the app to assign a camera to more than one group. I have 13 cameras on the outside of my house, and I would like to create different groups and arrangements with some of the same cameras.

Why? It depends what I’m looking for. If I am just browsing, I would see them as they are now. If I’m waiting for Amazon to bring more cameras, I want to see a subgroup specific to deliveries. If I’m watching my robot mower or my grandkids, I want to see different groupings. But some of the groups might share some of the same cameras.

Why can’t a group pick whatever camera it needs, independent of any other group? Please make it possible in a future release.

Welcome to the Forum, @ropaswan! :wave:

I really like the way you described your use cases, and I sincerely hope Wyze does this for power and lighting products, as well. It seems like they’ve begun planning for this with the latest app version:

Unfortunately, this feature isn’t yet available:

I’m always glad to see more community support for things like this, especially when specific uses are described. Thank you for sharing!