Add same device to multiple groups

I do not think you want what this thread is asking for. You can currently add devices to a group. This is asking, and jrex21 is saying, we want to be able to add ONE device to MULTIPLE groups. Using your example, if you simultaneously had the groups “Rear Yard” and “All My Cameras” then you would have two groups each containing some of the same cameras. “Rear Yard” would contain the camera “Rear Gate” and “All My Cameras” would ALSO have the camera “Rear Gate” because “Rear Gate” is one of your cameras, and therefore it would be under the universal category of “All” cameras." However, that is not currently optional. Once a camera is in one group, you cannot use that camera in any other group: the camera “Rear Gate” can EITHER be in “Rear Yard” OR “All My Cameras,” not both.

I have a clear example:

Say I have 4 cameras outside. So, I make an outdoor group and can see them all at once. Great. Now let’s say that sometimes I want to see the Driveway cam (in Outdoor group) AND I want to see the cam inside the garage as well (not in Outdoor group). So, I go to make ANOTHER group that has the inside garage cam and the Driveway cam, but I cannot use the Driveway cam because it is in the Outdoor group. In order to see each camera, I would need to first go into Outdoor group, then click on the Driveway camera and view it. THEN, I would need to back out of that camera, back out of that Outdoor group, then select whatever group the inside garage camera is in, then click on the inside garage camera, then view it. You cannot view them simultaneously. This is absurdly cumbersome.

The camera views do not load until you open each individual camera anyway. It’s just a link to the cameras. Why can there not be a link that is simultaneously in multiple groups? You can only open one group at a time anyway. It’s like on your phone; you have apps that will have an icon on your Home screen, on your Apps screen, maybe even on your lock screen, and potentially elsewhere. It’s just a link to the app, like these are just links to cameras. It would be really useful.

Yes, that is current functionality. This wishlist item, and what @habib commented on above, is if I have two cameras, one in each group. Like this:

Group 1
Camera A

Group 2
Camera B

The wishlist request is that you can have cameras that are already in a group, in a second or more groups. You could also have this group in your device list:

Group 3
Camera A
Camera B

If they are not in a group. If the cameras are in a group together, when you open the group, all cameras in that group will load the live view together. The exception to that rule is the battery operated cameras where you will have to press play to load their live view in a group, due to the battery and saving it’s juice.


To simplify it we want where we can customize Groups. I have some older devices that are offline because I upgraded my devices. I would like to move them all to an “Unused” group.

Device (Camera) in Multiple Groups

Did my searching and found nothing…

I would like to be able to put a camera in multiple groups.

For instance, two baby monitors together in a Kids group to watch them sleep. With the ability to also put them in another group labeled Where Are They? as well as Playroom and Backyard cameras.

I have a few examples as to why I would want this. Seems like a simple app update with no hardware changes.

[Mod Note]: Your topic was merged to this Wishlist request for better visibility and consistency in grouping similar requests. Please remember to scroll up to the top and click the VOTE button to show your support.

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Good luck my friend. I’ve been wanting this capability for over two years, but Wyze fails to deliver. I know, it can’t be that difficult to accomplish, but again Wyze don’t give [Mod Edit] what the consumer wants. I have been bitching about other things as well, for example butchering the GUI (Graphical User Interface) just for sake of change when no change was needed.

Honestly, I am tired of asking, wishing and hoping. At the end of the day there are only two options left. One, stick with Wyze and put up with whatever they shove down your throat, or Two, move on to other platform.

Myself, I’ve become complacent, don’t give a crap anymore. They’re cheap toy cameras, when they die, I’ll move on.

MOD NOTE: Post edited to conform to the Community Guidelines.


I’m in the boat. I have several cameras I would like to do the same thing.

I have cameras designed to watch the inside of my house and outside where my dogs play. I would like the cameras to watch the outside of my house to include the camera I used to watch the dogs, but each camera can only belong to one group.

This would seem like a particularly easy thing for the software engineers to implement.

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This is the way as written by @cloudoftime.

I need (read: NEED vs. WANT) the same functionality.

We have both an “INDOOR” group and an “OUTDOOR” group each with multiple cameras in them. However, sometimes, like when my wife and/or I are watching our infant AND our dog, We need to watch 2 specific cameras that happen to be in different groups (one from the INDOOR group watching the baby’s area, and one from OUTDOOR group watching the door at which the dog waits* to come inside.) (Sorry, a doggie-door is not a viable answer here for reasons I won’t get into.)

PLEASE allow cameras to be in more than one group. If you did, we could create a group called “Baby/Dog/Downstairs” and be all set seeing what we need.

NOTE - the need for this JUST happened to me again. Watching baby on camera, I didn’t know the dog wanted to come in until I heard him scratching at the door. Given the extreme cold we’re having in the northeast US, I’ve been hyperaware and listening for him, but having a group with the two cameras described above would have been very helpful. Don’t worry, he’s a tough Siberian Husky and loves this weather and is (and will be) fine with his thick winter double coat.

We have other use cases for this as well. For instance, baby is sleeping but we’re also watching the driveway to see when someone arrives. We’d put both cameras in a group, yet we can’t because they’re each already in other groups. Oh, and if we needed to watch the door for the door, too… you get the idea. :wink:

@WYZE - PLEASE listen and implement. I’m sure it is more complicated than “just let us put a camera in more than one group” due to automations, notifications, rules, etc. (i.e. now when something is triggered, you have to check rules on more than one group, etc., and how would the priority of rules and actions get determined, etc.) – but providing this feature would open up so many possibilities and is what users like us are asking for and NEED to make your cameras more useful for our real-world scenarios.

THANK YOU for listening!

Adding to the above (and as a bit of a selfish compromise) and brainstorming, maybe a new type of “temporary” group just for watching with no rules/triggers/etc. would solve for some use cases? Give me a way to watch, say, up to 3 or 4 cameras (to fit them all on the screen) at once in that moment, with the ability to select from my full inventory of cameras. Then, give me the ability to give that selection a name so I can “save it” (and other “temporary” groups) to get to it/them faster next time. It’s similar to the existing groups, but it is understood that they only have view-functionality and not the other bells and whistles groups have and are integrated with. (My tech product management background seems to be showing…)

You are wasting your breath my friend, Wyze doesn’t “listen” or read our wishes and wants here. This a user forum, nothing to do with Wyze corporate. Just you and me and bunch of others venting our frustrations :slight_smile:

Now, now my friend I know we get frustrated when our preferred wishlists aren’t implemented, but I know that it is definitely not the case that they aren’t listening or reading them, because I speak with employees a lot. I know Wyze actually does read the wishlist. The Wishlist in particular is synced by Jason with their internal system. It is also discussed by employees and employees review it sometimes even if they aren’t commenting and influencing particular requests in one way or another. I remember one example I was talking to an employee for the first time a year and a half ago and she told me she was really excited to actually talk with me. She said she’d seen my posts all over the forums, etc and even though she, herself, didn’t post anything in the forums, she did read a bunch of stuff. So I had no idea who this person was at all, but she felt like she already knew me from reading through the forums a lot. It was really interesting. Jason and others have confirmed many times that other employees do read things in here.

When this was brought up to the VP of product in an AMA, he said, regarding the wishlist:

We look at [the wishlist/roadmap] with the team every week

There are many things that decide whether or not a wishlist is implemented, and there most definitely are wishes that get granted specifically because of the suggestion being put on this wishlist.

That’s not to say that all wishes will be implemented. In another thread I listed a bunch of things that generally go into considering user requests/votes for things:

I guess the overall point is that they DO read the wishlist, and they do listen, but there are a lot of things to consider for each wishlist request and deciding which ones get priority over the THOUSANDS of other requests when they have limited resources. Voting and commenting in the thread can be helpful and are one of the variables that matter, but there are several other considerations too.


I stand corrected. Poor choice of words, probably I should’ve said “sometimes” :wink:

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Haha, fair enough. I certainly have some things I am really desperate for them to do.

I think they’re on a reasonably positive path toward sustainability and they have indicated that once they achieve that this year, they can branch out to do some more fun things. I think a lot of that will be the second half of this year at the soonest though, maybe 2025 depending how things go.

See that is the problem, at least from where I stand. Things like, being able to have single cameras in different groups or having full landscape functionality can’t be that difficult to achieve. If other companies can do it, why it takes Wyze so long to implement basic things on their app?

That’s a question we should’ve asked the App engineers when they had an AMA for them. :thinking:

I will tag a reminder to myself that this is an AMA question for the future.


I’m not trying to add to your schedule, just making a conversation :slight_smile:

I enjoy asking questions in the AMAs :slight_smile:


I’ll fix that for you… “Thrive”… :slight_smile:

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I did remember to go ask this question in this week’s AMA. If you’d like to make it more likely that Wyze answers the question, you may upvote it here:

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I did up vote.

Thanks for asking the question.

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I’m new to this topic (because @carverofchoice linked it to one I was already reading), and I’m not planning to invest the time to read the whole thing, but I did vote, and I’d put in a plug (pun intended) for being able to put the Plug :plug: in multiple groups if that hasn’t already been mentioned. I could certainly see use cases for Strips :light_strip_pro: and Bulbs :bulb_color: existing in multiple groups, as well.