Wyze Video Doorbell v2 Firmware Beta Test 4/25/2024

I was nearing the end of my return window on Amazon so I returned it as defective and got sent a new one.

I followed the advice from Salor from this post and everything now seems to be working as intended. https://forums.wyze.com/t/wyze-v2-doorbell-not-longer-recording-events-or-sending-notifications/296772/29

It’s baffling that Wyze knows this is an issue and still hasn’t given us an option to roll back the firmware OR AT THE VERY LEAST turn off the latest firmware so new customers or existing customers don’t have to deal with a new product that doesn’t work straight out of the box.

I don’t want to come off sounding like I don’t like Wyze products because that’s not the case. I’ve had Wyze cameras for a number of years and am a Cam Plus subscriber and have touted them to friends and family for a while. But this is the kind of stuff that just grinds my gears and leaves a bad impression.

It was said in another post that Wyze needs to Wise up and stop releasing new products just to release new products. Stick to what set you apart from the beginning and target your core fan base…which is cameras. Cut out the fluff products like a scale, watch, headphones, vacuums, etc, and focus more on supporting your bread and butter items.

It should not take this long for the dev team to put a stop gap in place and rollback the firmware while they iron out the issues. Something is better than nothing. Does anyone at Wyze even use their own products or test on their own stuff before it’s released :man_shrugging: