Wyze is a Big Brother? The Company Failed Us

As you probably know we used ThroughTek as our P2P service provider. They are based at Taiwan and provide service globally. Their system was originally designed to serve devices globally with servers all over the world. This means when you make a connection, one server, which could be in different country, will help your phone find the specific camera. Once the phone finds the camera your phone will talk to the camera directly without the server. Nothing is ‘held’ on the server.

However there are customers who felt it is not enough. Last year we had a request to TUTK to limit network traffic with North America. TUTK implemented a mechanism to limit connection device traffic in specific region (e.g. North America or Europe). The implementation can be understood as assigning groups of devices under a specific region. We verified many times in our office that the device traffic is within North America. For the customer’s case likely one device group got mis-communicated for the region assignment. We are checking on it. We are also checking with TUTK to make sure all devices are configured under North America.

As a note: when device boot up, there is one registration which connects to TUTK servers worldwide. This can’t be changed in TUTK API unless we switch to a new set of API (which we plan to take a few months to integrate/deploy). Current we mitigate this by our firmware blocking known IPs that are non-US TUTK servers.