We’re Giving Wyze Person Detection to All Users at Whatever Price You Want - 1/11/22

The fixes are being beta-tested right now:

So once Beta testing confirms the firmware updates are in the clear it will be pushed out to everyone else. Anyone who doesn’t want to wait can try enrolling in beta testing and get the proposed updates now. I’d mostly suggest waiting for most people, but the option is there for those who want it ASAP.

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Yes, people are going to get left out in the cold when they need the clips the most. We aren’t extraordinarily perceptive, Wyze knows what the results are going to be.

It’s a hard lesson but they will learn to trust Wyze as much as I do. :joy:

Beg to differ? :wink:

They’re definitely taking a gamble on future goodwill but it pays off now for those who want V3s with cheap/free person detection.

I’m confused about what this means. Can I still record 24/7 using my SD cards if I opt into cam plus light? I didn’t realize the videos I am getting on basic were cloud and assumed they were from my SD so if I have to opt in for this to continue I guess that’s fine. I just don’t want to lose the ability to have 24/7 recording if I want to go and look at a specific time. Thanks

24/7 recording to SD cards will continue no matter what you do, so you’re totally in the clear there :+1:

Basically, this is just for the “events” tab in the app…do you want little 12 second cloud clips still? Do you want it to label those events “Person” when those clips have a person in them? Then sign up.

If you don’t sign up, you’ll still have 24/7 SD card recording. It’s my understanding that your notifications will just have a thumbnail picture of detected motion (like notifications currently have anyway), and they will apparently be able to link you to the SD card location now, instead of to the events page. That should really be the only difference compared to signing up for CPLite. Honestly, it’s not a big deal IMO if you use SD cards.

You just get the added bonus of having Person detection labels on cloud events now if you sign up to continue having cloud events. That’s really the summary of the whole thing. Use an SD card and it doesn’t really matter. because you’ll continue to have that 24/7 recording regardless of whatever else you do.

I hope that helps.


I have same issue others described. I opted in to CPL, it shows I had already subscribed, but when I try to assign my Cam Pan to CPL service with that switch, I get “Whoops, looks like you’re not subscribed to CPL”. Stuck in a loop. My app is current. Crazy frustrating.

Hey Carver, a quick question for you do you think that they will ever make the SD cards content available through the app

The SD card content is available thru the app now using the “View Playback” button under live view, and the “Playback” icon under each event on the Events tab.

The first one will take you 5 minutes back in time on the SD card, and the second one will take you to the exact time of the event.

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As Newshound indicated, we can view the videos themselves through the app in the View playback section…but if you mean the actual files like you would see plugging the SD card into the computer and viewing the individual file folders, structure, and the files themselves…like the following:





I have not heard of any plans to do this. It would still require removing the SD card for the foreseeable future. I am guessing this isn’t a huge priority because of their millions of users, very, very few of us ever remove the SD card to retrieve files, but it sure would be a great convenient feature for those few of us that do it sometimes. :+1:

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Card accessibility is obvious as the cameras can write to them. Removing them from the camera can be a daunting task for some people. Just the ability to access the content is what I want either as a view or a direct download.

Besides the views I talked about, you can record a clip to your device from the SD card while you are viewing. But if you want ALL of it (or some large portion), then that would require removal of the card ATM.

I’m not interested in cloud storage - this came standard with my v2 cams and I never used it. I also am not interested in the detection options - I had that originally with my V2 cams before it was taken away and all I got were false notifications.

All I want is for the camera to record video onto my SD card.
Does that happen without subscribing? Also do I get exFAT support without subscribing?

Yes and yes.

With no subscription at all you get a still image instead of a video link in the Events tab.
The updated formatting is part of the firmware not a subscription option.
Make sure your camera firmware is up to date.

That’s still cloud storage for the thumbnails though. Some want even less.

I purchased several cameras for a new home but have not set up all cameras yet. The property is in another state being worked on. I currently have one done but 5 are in their boxes. Do I buy the Cam Plus Lite for one now and the others later or for total amount of cameras due to deadline?

Cam Plus Lite is per account, not per camera.


LIke Newshoud said, it’s per account. And if you’re opting to contribute an amount, you can update that at any time. So feel free to pay what you want for the one camera now, and you can always update it later as you add more cameras, if you wish.


How do I turn that option on for Person Detection?

In the app, Account > Cam Plus Lite > The green button at the bottom, Set Up Person Notifications.

Person Detection is always active, you turn Notifications On / Off.