We’re Giving Wyze Person Detection to All Users at Whatever Price You Want - 1/11/22

My biggest issue with this whole thing, going back to taking away the XNOR person detection is that I am straight shooter. Tell me upfront about what you want to charge and what I’ll get from that and I’ll make my decision accordingly, but don’t change the terms after the fact.

It doesn’t mean that I’m a cheapskate or want something for nothing the way the pay what you want screens imply. I had already installed pricey DVR and then NVR systems which cost around $2K and were giant pains with the port forwarding and such. I had also installed Ring and Nest cameras before finding out about WYZE and knew the going rate.

If WYZE would have come out and said “Our V2 camera is $40 and we’ll give you 6 months of 12 second clips after which you can stick with just SD card or subscribe to us at about what the other guys charge” that would have been an honest offer because they would make an actual profit from it, and it would let me compare it with the other 2 and decide whether it was worth it to pay a little more to go with the big boys or a little less and help a startup company go up against the big boys.

Instead, WYZE came out with this illogical idea to offer dirt cheap cameras with lifetime 12 second storage. It wouldn’t take an MBA to figure out that at some point, the scales in the cost graph would tip, but hey, that was the sales pitch! Who was I to argue with people smarter than myself who had figured out how to monetize the footage. I mean google was never charging customers for google’s search the android system either so perhaps these guys knew something nobody else knew. At any rate, I took them up on their offer.

Now they act all shocked that storage costs money and contracts with XNOR fell apart and are trying to guilt people who took them at their word into paying for a subscription after they’ve already invested in the system and helped them get off the ground. Yes, I know, I know, if one opts in, they won’t lose anything and even get person detection back, but that’s not the point. The point is, shouldn’t have to do that. Your word is your bond.