View On PC/Browser (Windows / Mac / Chromebook)

Needs to be done for your company to be competitive viable. More important then a lock for sure. Most customers like to see on a large screen. Wish list see more then one camera at a time. But PC is so important. I have three installs so far and would install 5 a week if it had that feature.

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I can ask Alexa to display a Wyze cam on my 65" TV easily, so that’s big screen.
I haven’t tried it, but I think if I installed Tiny Cam on my Fire stick 4K I think could display several at once if I wanted. I also have a 10" android tablet mounted to the wall in the living room where I view my door/driveway camera 24/7.

I used to use a PC and BlueStacks years ago for WiFi cameras all the time, but as things changed I found the tablets on the wall better for me, but that’s just my case.
I did try an Android emulator on a laptop and it worked fine for displaying the Wyze cams, but I found I had I really didn’t have a use for PC viewing with all the other options.

I’m not so sure PC viewing is as wide spread a need as some may think. Of course, I’m wrong lots of times, but I wonder what percentage of total users would actually use a PC regularly to view. Even if it’s thousands, that’s still a small small percentage out of total sales

I, for one, really could use a pc solution. Working from home on a computer all day, I use Bluestacks on my home pc to monitor the cams. I’m tired of Bluestacks’ limitations so a pc viewing solution gets my vote for sure. And based on this thread, I’m not alone. There’s a lot more than you think.

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Flip through the thread. Highly desired by many. Hard to extrapolate but consider the fraction of users who bother to access these forums and the smaller fraction who actually dig into the forum to see there is a wishlist with this issue in discussion. Then scale up to the current customer base and potential additional customers. It could be a very large number which maybe one of the hurdles for wyze - how best to accommodate potentially millions. Personally I can also ask Alexa to show me the cams on the firetv, but it times out after 10 min. Besides it is not my primary viewing when I’m in the fam room, it’s for watching content - entertainment. Meanwhile I often work in my office where I could either setup a second screen or just flip windows periodically. So we all have different reasons or preferences. I’m ok as is for the two cams I now have - not critical. although on a recent vacation I had zero access for a week which was a little frustrating. The app wouldn’t even open on the crap for WiFi I had available. Looking ahead, I will not invest in any outdoor security cams if they are only mobile cloud based. Maybe I’m old school but that’s my preference.


Yup, I do see where PC access is a very useful tool and I’m in no way arguing against it. I just think a few in this thread make it seem like it’s a make or break for Wyze as a company to survive selling cameras without it. I used to be strictly PC use myself for camera viewing and avoided thinks like tablets completely. I just don’t think it’s the same as it was a decade ago and especially with a $19.99 camera to expect features that is likely a requirement for a minority.

But again, I wouldn’t argue against it and the more features the better, whether I would use them or not as far as I’m concerned. I’m just surprised at posts I’ve read on the forum over the last year of what seems demands or even sometimes anger over not providing a specific feature.

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Didn’t mean to come off too harsh. Agree, many are over the top, especially since it was pretty clear they did not offer anything beyond mobile. I mistakenly assumed it would work out of the box with 3rd party software. When I realized it did not, it was a bit of a let down but fine for the present. I sense a lot of customers see the low price and quality as attractive to deploy for uses beyond what seems like the original intent of in-home monitoring and home automation. It surely has proven to be useful outside in certain cases and many have deployed the rstp firmware successfully.

In the big picture, my lack of access was a rare thing. Even if it were on my own personal NAS, the video may have been blocked regardless unless I zipped the files to download and then play locally. Most places we visit have decent wifi.

I’m not sure the minority is small enough for wyze to ignore - I’m sure that’s part of the decision making. They certainly know what they’ve sold, how many are on these forums and how many are voting for the feature - they can certainly estimate if it’s thousands or hundreds of thousands or whatever. Plus I am sure they know how many they sold versus how many have been abandoned or relegated to low usage. There are all sort of data they can access. The fact it is not yet a dead issue after so much time pondering it does make some users feel like they are being strung along. In that sense, a definitive statement would be a good idea - even if they say it is not yet a dead issue but our current prognosis is no less than two more years before we are ready to tackle this issue. I think something like that is all many are hoping to see.

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I use tinyCsm server on an Android TV box so i can check my home cameras from work. That works well enough for my needs but probably not for most.
Honestly, judging from the mobile apps, I don’t have a lot of faith in a Wyze developed browser solution anyway. :slightly_smiling_face:

As others have suggested, I wish to confirm that I have no difficulty running any and all Android apps in Bluestacks right on my Mac and my Windows computers with no noticeable delays or problem. So I just don’t know why Wyze needs to divert the course of their entire business plan and risk their financial future just so a few don’t have to spend a couple minutes downloading it. Where is the logic in that? If anybody here is serious about selling their unopened Wyze products at a substantial discount on ebay over this issue. could you please post your ebay listing here?


You havent read the thead fully. It is not that wvwryone qants to uae a pc, it is that using a phone is not an option sometimes or the need for a bigger pic. It really does not matter how many would use, it is that it is the highest requested and voted for. Besides being a standard option in the industry. Also if wyze had advertised they were a mobile only platform, different decisions might of been made.

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Some people would like to view their cameras on work computers where they can’t install third part software. A browser based viewer would usually work in these cases.

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Yeah, I don’t get it either. I’ve been using BlueStacks and I’m happy with it, the only hiccup I’ve seen is the playback which doesn’t look too robust, but all I need is the livestream, and I get that with BlueStacks just fine. I have it installed on my own laptop which I take with me to work. I’m a lot more concerned about 5G when it comes time to switch.

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Bluestacks only allows me to view 3 cams at a time. Not too helpful when you have 6.

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I’m glad YOU don’t have a problem. Had you read all of the messages you would see that a significant portion of others either can’t load it, can’t run it, it uses WAY too many resources (me) or simply don’t want the hassle of having to run an emulator when there are slightly more expensive (but with web access) options…

Which, by the way, is what we are supposed to do. Every employment manual I have ever seen prohibits using one’s work computer for personal activity of any kind, so why would anyone be checking their Wyze cameras at home on their employer’s computer?

And really, it is unrealistic to imagine that the “votes” on a product’s website are representative of the buying public who have bought or are contemplating buying Wyze products. Only a minuscule portion of the buying public participates in forums about the products they buy. It is aggrandizement to imagine that we who post here are “voting” on behalf of the buying public. The overwhelming majority of users have neither the time nor the inclination in participate in product forums and could care less what we, including myself, think. They may well have opinions, but their opinions are more likely to be represented by the huge sales of Wyze products rather than we few who participate in forums.

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Blue stack is terrible. That’s not a viable option for most. This product should work on PC to viable and competitive. Would be also nice to see more than one camera at a time. I have 4 tablets set up in my bedroom at night. It’s ridiculous!!! Hear your customers, they are never wrong

It would be nice to have Chromebook support. It would even be nicer to have full support on Fire Tablets. But to denigrate the Wyze company because they do not offer that seems a bit harsh. If you focus on what a product CAN’T do (especially if it was not designed that way) you will never be satisfied. You’ll always want more. But if you focus on what a product CAN do, the Wyze cam is pretty impressive.
The Wyze cameras are what they are: useful, inexpensive tools to check on your house when you are away, and which do a pretty good job of letting you know when something is going on. For $19, I think it is a very useful tool, well worth the $$$$.
Don’t get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with making positive suggestions. I have made several myself. But I don’t get upset or annoyed when Wyze doesn’t do what I want.
Buy the cameras, use them as intended, and if they don’t do what you want, buy something else. At the price I don’t see how that’s a big deal.


Exactly! That’s what I’ve been saying all along. Not supposed to use work equipment for personal use, and since we’re really supposed to use our own computers, might as well install an app on it, the solution doesn’t have to be web-based, assuming the employer is ok with the employee using the network bandwidth.

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This should be your priority and not something you are not ignoring.

Are you saying you can’t see cams 4 … 6 on BlueStacks at all? or that you can’t see simultaneous livestreams from cams 1 … 6? I can only see livestream from only 1 camera at a time on my phone, so BlueStacks is providing the identical capability as the phone, which for me, that’s all I was asking for.

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FWIW, several places I worked or consulted allowed employees web access during breaks or lunch and some before or after work in order to do things like check for email or place orders or track packages. As long as it was legit usage. Meanwhile, they did not allow connecting personal devices to the network. Whether or not streaming personal surveillance cams would be allowed, I can’t say, but other legit web access was allowed. They realized people during typical working hours have a life and at times need to do things online now that used be by phone or in person in the past. I also worked at a bank and nothing was allowed. All types or companies out there have all kinds of rules. I can see possible scenarios where access to wyze cams at home would allowed.