Status light stuck on yellow light

Hi there
I tried to configure my new v2 wyzecam the first time, with no success, and then the status light got stuck on solid yellow. I tried to factory reset a few times, and it did not work either.
My warranty is running out and I need urgent support. What should I do?

Same issue! Did you find a resolution?

It looks like there’s no way to fix this defect since nobody has responded. My wyze cam pan is stuck on yellow too. I guess I should return it.

Welcome to the community @grommetik. This topic is over a year old. I would recommend the Troubleshooting Guides. You can also run through the troubleshooting flow chart by clicking “Begin Troubleshooting” at the top of this page.

Keep in mind that this forum is primarily a user to user community. If you don’t get a helpful reply here, please file a Support Request. Depending on the nature of the problem, rather than use the website link, it is helpful to submit an App Log and/or a Firmware Log.