Stacking Wyze Sockets

Hello forum. I bought 4 Wyze v3 Camaras + 4 Wyze Sockets. I was wondering if anybody tried stacking 2 wyze socket together. My idea is to try to have 2 v3 camaras at the same location or maybe 1 v3 Camara with it’s Spotlight Kit.

@jgterragno , welcome to the Wyze Forums, glad you are here.

Have you tried one socket, then plug the MicroUSB into a splitter like this?

then you could power both cameras and control with one socket. Not sure it will work, but logically, I don’t see why not

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In theory this should work fine. However, you’re going to have to turn the upper socket to always on so the bottom socket has power to the camera. I’m not sure the lamp socket USB port could reliably run two V3 cameras. Aside from the power requirement, I’d think the cameras would be confused over which one controls the socket.