It’s a very valid point I haven’t seen many that are as small as the v3, but they are still the same price. If nothing else you would have to recording sources then as well just turn the alerts off on one that way in case one camera failed you still have a backup
I repurposed my old v2 cams as external IR sources for my v3 cams and leave the v3 IR off… no more bug problems at night. For v2 settings, turn all Event recording off, turn off notifications and alarms, Night Vision Mode to Auto, Night Vision IR Lights to On. It’s pitch black out, these are v3 views with six v2 cams behind my house. It’s about 50’ from v3 cam to the stack of firewood on the edge of my field:
Wow! That is a great repurposing!
Might also be useful to keep any failed V2’s you have. Just because you can’t get them replaced, does not mean they are not useful. They could be useful as a decoy. String a power cable from the camera to some place out of sight. Put the camera where it can be seen if that could help ward off bad actors.
Yes, it might have them looking for your other working cameras. But if those are out of sight, could be a “bad” camera is as strong deterrent as one visible that is working.
Could be more useful mounted on the porch not working than sitting in a box in the garage - not working.