Saved video not playing

That is weird! I’ve never seen that and have no explanation for it, but I definitely appreciate your sharing the image, because that helps me understand what you were describing earlier.

:pencil2: Edit: The only thing I can think of related to that is that it may be some kind of funky glitch or malfunction with Smart Focus, but I’m just speculating here. The Smart Focus control in the strip under your viewer appears to be greyed out, and it still has the “BETA” label on it. I noticed when I first got a Cam v4 and began playing with it that the Smart Focus feature had the “BETA” label even though I’ve used only production firmware and app versions, but now that I look at the Live Stream of one of my Cam v4s I see that the “BETA” label is no longer there.

I wonder if getting back onto production code would alleviate that issue for you.

I noticed odd things like that when I tried enabling hardware decoding in the app settings. Especially when turning the phone sideways and back. Turned that “feature” back off.


Exactly! The beta is gone. I had noticed that when I tried to use it and see what that feature was, it would usually either freeze the page, or it would not do anything.
The double picture of two times when trying to zoom in was the most annoying of them all, to me.
I am going to try a different internet provider, and see if there is issues there causing havoc.
Thank you!

That was my initial experience with Smart Focus on the first Cam v4 I set up, too, but I eventually played with it some more and described my first experience seeing it work in another topic:

It’s kind of a nifty feature, but I haven’t gotten much actual use out of it. I figure if Edge AI that’s in Cam v4 is there to support Smart Focus, then it should actually be doing something (I’d consider to be) more useful and provide on-board Person Detection. :man_shrugging:

I don’t know if a different Internet service provider will resolve your problem, but it might be worth a shot, especially if it means you’d get a different router/wireless access point that could address a potential Wi-Fi bottleneck or other issue as @dave27 previously suggested.