Rule Suggestions

It’s not an issue, but does anyone know how to have the Rule Suggestions, that have shown up on version 2.40 of the IOS app, turned off ?
I have all my rules setup and don’t need a suggestion of how any rules work. I understand the ‘neatness’ of showing how you could use a particular rule , for one of your devices, but I want to just turn off those reminders.

If you are talking about the mini cards that show up on the right hand side of the Shortcut bar at the top right, I thought those were a part of the App Discovery feature they added.

Android gets them too, I usually just clicked the x to dismiss them.

But, since they added a “Never” option to the Discover Tips in the App Discovery feature setting of the main App Notifications Menu, I haven’t seen them.


Was looking for this as @SlabSlayer responded, but demo here if this is what you are referring to. And thanks for the Never “reminder” for the same thread Slabs. :+1:


Thanks, I hadn’t noticed this option. I’ll give it a try and hopefully it’ll be solved for me.

I have mine set to never but they still come up. Running iOS app version 2.40.0(6).

Yup, I changed mine to Never this AM and I had one just show up about 30 min ago…:frowning: I’m running IOS version 2.40.0 (15). We’ll see, as maybe it takes a while to update the server side of things on the account, if it’s more than just the App Ui itself.

I’ve had mine set that way for months without change.

@WildBill & @jnylen777,

I can’t comment on anything that happens within the iOS app. I am an Androidian and can only share what my production app is doing. As we all know, the two OS are completely different species and have distinct personalities of their own when it comes to running the Wyze App.

If I do see the App Discovery Cards reappear with mine set to Never, I will let you know.

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I am using iOS, but often uninstall and reinstall new app versions beta testing so I cannot for sure tell you that it goes away, but it might be safe to say that it is an app setting vs. a profile or server side setting. I will monitor, I just turned mine back to never after updating to the latest beta version. When I am pretty sure I had it set to never on 2.40 and now on beta 2.41