Refresh in "Add a Product" will not refresh

I can’t get the refresh on Add a Product page. It just shows my original camera but not the new ones I put up. I’m trying to add a sensor that is too far away from the original camera but it’s right next to the new camera. However, I can’t get it to see the new one. What to do?

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I’m a bit confused by your question. The add product page shows all the types of products you can add to your app but it doesn’t show your current products.
Are you trying to link a new camera to a sensor?
If you are trying to link a sensor to a new cam the sensor can only be linked to a bridge, not a specific cam. The bridge however, can be installed in any cam.


keep in mind if you put it in a pan cam you will want a slightly larger power supply as they were designed not with a bridge in mind and the stock power is insufficient to power the cam AND the bridge.


Very good point! Thanks.


I’ll go through the steps to make it more clear and to also see if I’m missing a step.
Step 1 click the three dots at the top right.
Step 2 Click Add a Product.
Step 3 Click on Wyze Contact Sensor.
Step 4 Click … here’s where the hang up happens. Oh I see…I meant to say “Add a Device” page. Anyway, it won’t show any other cameras other than the original camera I set up months ago. No. I’m not trying to connect to a Wyze Pan, just a regular Wyze Cam.
Any help is appreciated. I know it takes time to figure out and if it’s never happened to anybody else, it might be harder to figure out.

Much clearer. If I read this right, the only cams you will see here are the cams that you have bridges installed in. The sense devices have to connect to a bridge, which is installed in the back of a Cam. You can have multiple bridges in multiple cams but it appears you must only have one bridge.
Let me know if I’m reading the situation wrong.


What would you suggest for a power supply for a pan with a bridge @Bam

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I must stress this is only my guess, I dont have a pan, but I believe the V2 runs on 1 amp whereas the stock supply for the pan is 2 amps. so in searching for a power supply I was simply looking for a higher amperage supply.

what you are going to look for is a larger than 2amp power supply with the correct connector. keep in mind if you only get the power brick without cord, make sure it has the right connection for the usb end. the 2amp power supply is what comes with the pan cam and is insufficient to run with the bridge, so you need it to have more juice.

for instance, this came up on a quick search and I believe they would work. these are 3.1 amp. I would THINK that would be enough but I don’t believe we have heard anything official from Wyze. there are multitudes for sale online, so you wont be short of choices.

And as usual I link to amazon because of the supply doesn’t work or is incorrect, it’s pretty easy to return it

charging bricks on amazon

in a search of the forums I ran across a couple people that stated they used their apple power brick ( im guessing that came with their phone) and had success too. so maybe you have an old phone charger that would work too. usually they state their specs on the bottom of phone chargers.


Just a comment on the Apple power sources. They do work well and the brick for the Ipad is 2.1 amps, for the IPhone 1.0. I use a 2.1 for my V2 cams with the bridge.