Pure garbage

Welp … there goes my front door camera as of this morning !!

Its been up and working with intermittent hiccup’s for over a year but what the heck would cause this? (Oh yea the manufacturing defect in the entire series)

Here it is un-mounted after a reset and re-add to the phone same crap picture,

I also notice that no one’s carrying them anymore incl home depot and they used to have lots …,it looks like they’re sick of dealing with them too …

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WYZE still sells the V3, so does Costco. Costco has the single cams in the store and a 4 pack for online order. I am sure there are other stores that still carry them also.
Just purchase a V4 and be happy. :grin:

No, no,… Hi … you’re probably not aware of this, but they’re ARE other countries in the world besides you in the USA. Actually if you look directly north you’ll see us on top of you covered in snow.

So when I say they’re NOT being carried by other places anymore I actually mean that.

In fact, I opened a specific cross-border account in Montana back in 2017 for the specific purpose of ordering Wyse Cams because I was that much of a fan …

Now,… Yea, never again. It’s basically 1 down and 11 to go till I toss them all.

The thing is the ones that are dieing are V3’s my old crusty Ver 1 and 2’s are still chugging away. If numbnuts wasn’t so busy trying to be famous on the internet he might actually realize that the company screwed up when they made the V3’s and the entire production run is crap and just MAN UP and replace them period.

But we all know Wyse ain’t gonna do that - they’re too busy playing “innovator” and cranking out out garbage trying to capture market-share, you know, like McDonalds did with their yummy pizzas… (look how well that worked)

God forbid you should just “stay in your lane” and make better products and stick with the classics.

Anyway - can’t get here in the channel anymore, probably because of so many returns and poor quality,

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Pure garbage sounds like an oxymoron.

How do you like the sound of Unity Zone One? We’ll soon be kissing CUSM’s! :wink:

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You can kiss @habib and maybe he will turn into a Canuck princess. :grin: :us:

Justin T !   :scream: :grin:

I’d rather be kissed by a black mamba :rofl:

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Agreed, these devices are extremely unreliable and should not be used for anything serious. They are dirt cheap because they are dirt.

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But nobody makes you click on that “Check out now” button. :rofl:

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Are you being paid by Wyze competitors to spread toxic posts on this forum?


Just joined 2 hours ago.



Here’s my stand-in. :heart_eyes_cat:

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Maybe related to ‘composting :recycle: correctly?’ :slight_smile:

Oooh, did I hurt your feeling?

Totally different beast :rofl:

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Is this you ?


I’ve only got one V3. I had it since Dec 2020, and, it is still kyckin’ it… like it is brand new.

Check your connection speed. It shows 34.3 kb/s in yur pic, whereas mine varies from 50 to 150.

Also, HD is still selling wyze cams… matter of fact, they claim they won’t let you buy more than 3 (at a normal price) in a single transaction,

I’m no great shakes, but I found ‘african tribal jump dancing’ (my term) - bouncing up and down to different levels in the same spot - the most satisfying solo thing. :grin:

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