Overnight hours

What is the best rule/ settings for the overnight hours? The reason we got Wyze home security begin with is we had a break in and robbery while we were sleeping! We have cameras around the compound, motion sensors in the primary areas and door/window sensors. Is it best to just use “away” between say midnight and 5 am?

Depends on your use case. The hours should revolve around when you want them to. Are you looking to enable HMS or the home monitoring system? or just set a shortcut to enable or disable devices or features? DO you always go to bed or want whatever your trying to enable at a set time? or do you want to enable this manually? The more info about your use case you can provide will help with the recommendations.

Fair questions! I’d want the home monitoring system to automatically turn on at 11pm and turn off at 5 am and for the alarm to trigger if a door and window is opened during those hours.

Yes. Click into the “monitoring” tab. then click on home monitoring settings at the bottom and then click on “home monitoring rules”. From there you can make schedules where different modes are changed at dates and times that you set.

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