Network Attached Storage (NAS)

Flagged this, really! I’d have to agree that what should be a rather simple option is not available. It’s not a matter of cost. Allowing use of any local stg should be a win-win. Customers who want it may actually buy more wyze stuff while customers ignoring wyze due to this limitation may become customers, and on the other side wyze reduces their cost of cloud stg. Only two reasons come to mind for wyze not implementing a local option - to gain data from the videos on their cloud or a plan to cut back on the free cloud so they can persuade customers to use a fee based cloud service. This is pretty much the primary reason I’ve not bought into the wyze devices beyond my one cam.

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Yeah, I won’t bother about posting if it won’t be about a lot of money and privacy. I said companies are greedy on partnerships against customers not that everyone is stupid, no one is stupid only try to solve the puzzle what they mixed for us

That’s cool man… there’s a lot of work that Wyze needs to do on many fronts. They also have done lots of work already and came up with great products and trying to expand to even more and continue to improve existing. It’s also one of the few companies that (for the moment at least) is listening to its customer base.

That said, I understand your disappointment although I personally think your attitude doesn’t help. Again that’s my own personal opinion and you have the right and freedom to not give your business to a company you don’t like and to complain about anything that you disagree with or dislike… of course you could complain in more ways than one. I would have used a different way to go about this :wink:

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Well said, that’s just utterly true and I’m sorry for my attitude. I’m still thinking purchasing a set because of its cheap price and see NAS would be implemented later by the company.

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Actually NAS is not a no cost option. But I agree it would be a great almost no downside addition. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yep, I just went with other solution too cuz the missing nas support, I wish Wyze would have implemented this feature already, although yes, in that case it’d cost a lot more probably.

This is because of us having been working on a NAS drive and then the product not making it to a launch. We’re still interested in finding another partnership for this. I’ll bring up the ongoing interest in NAS capability without a drive though I can’t make promises. :slight_smile:


I had a feeling you were talking out of a mix of frustration and passion :wink: so no problem man…it also takes even larger ones to apologize, so all cool (at least with me) :+1:

And about the decision to still get their cams and sensors… that’s a good choice to me because with Wyze being “wise” and quite awesome and fair (from pricing to how they interact with us the customers), I bet there’ll be only more awesome products and services in the near future… all it takes is a bit of patience and trying to collaborate as much as possible. Personally I am amazed Wyze can keep up with all the users and the topics posted in #roadmap and #wishlist :astonished: on that alone they deserve a massive :+1: :wink:

On a separate note… We got a SimpliSafe system and I can’t tell you how inferior the quality of the integration and software of the cameras was. I was stunned to experience that when paying almost $600 for system, few sensors and 2 cams… not to mention the charges for the 24/7 monitoring and all it comes with it (including expenses of permit to install an anti burglary system which in some cities and specific situations might end up being a deal breaker)… needless to say we’re returning the SimplySafe, or at least we’ll try to since they’re quite unresponsive. So you can imagine why I am so pleased with Wyze where I got plenty responses about every single email I’ve sent so far… but I try to limit myself because I don’t want to generate too much unnecessary work as I prefer everyone to be on top of making even more awesome products and address current issues instead :wink:


Wyze doesn’t flag your posts. Other forum members do.


working on a possibly proprietary drive is an endeavor to create revenue from a new device - adding or changing code that allows self hosting via a user’s existing local stg device has no revenue potential at first glance. But consider the low cost of editing code to satisfy this well voiced desire - seems like potentially greater revenue for existing hardware by attracting a larger audience. Why BBC would I buy any new NAS when I’m only using 20% of my existing capacity? I’m not a computer pro or programmer- but seems it could be implemented like the RTSP firmware download option for those who desire it. Most likely those wanting NAS or local drive option would also want RTSP. I guess not being a programmer, I just don’t understand the difficulty in creating the option. At present you send event video to an external IP located drive - why can’t it be a relatively minor code edit to allow it to go to a local ip location?

Good to know, that’s a lot worse then :rage: . Kidding:). I didn’t suspect such an attention, it’s kinda a busy thread and well supported community. Anyways I’ve to back off with my attitude. Wyze still an option for me especially after I was enlightened with this link by moderator Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)
oh and this one


I don’t know when these guys sleep. :bed:

I am more under the impression that Wyze is looking for someone to partner with that already makes a drive. Not looking to make or market a proprietary drive.

Keep in mind that NAS ( Network Attached Storage) describes a concept not a standard. Each vendor can and some have made their protocol proprietary. But even those that make it an open protocol are free to implement it any way they choose.

I have 2 Western Digital 4 TB NAS drives. They show up to my Windows system easily. My Macs see them but only after awhile. One Linux System does not see them at all.

I also have 2 NAS drives via my Routers. My Macs see them right away, my Windows system sees them but can’t stay connected to them, my Linux systems like them just fine.

So as you can see NAS is not a one size fits all solution. It can be, but often is not.

Good points - I can see those as complicating the issue. I now recall reading about a partnership. I guess my NAS experience has been limited. I originally had an old PC running samba with no issues. When that machine failed I decided to downsize since NAS boxes were starting to become popular, so got a buffalo 2 drive box, moved my drives and haven’t had any problems with access. I did have a usb drive on my old d-link router that was hinkie - moved it to the buffalo box usb and it’s fine now. But ya, good points on the complications - at least if trying to be all encompassing.

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And not just a “drive” but a reliable camera to final storage solution that they can squeeze the code into their cameras and my phone.

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Just wondering out-loud. With so many great idea postings, its been hard to delineate if people want:

 1.  Wyze to sell a "product/appliance" to provide a centralized "Hub" type solution for video and device backups.  Which would seem to be a joint venture approach between Wyze and a hardware manufacture for a re-branding and custom software solution.

 2. For Wyze to provide just software (apps, API's, modules, etc) solutions which could be used on the Wyze User's personal NAS device of choice solution (independent third-party).

 3.  A Wyze automated 24/7 video cloud back-up service for a recurring fee.

So many great thoughts under the “NAS” subject umbrella but with different execution paths, its getting tougher to keep-up and many strong ideas may get missed.

just my two-cents

It really is a multi faceted issue. Be interesting to see what, if anything, comes of it.

What’s this sleep you speak of? :stuck_out_tongue:


I have used a number of NAS boxes through the years, and they all have support for the basics of network file systems. Stick with SMB and you will have 100% compatibility with all Linux and Windows systems.